check this out!!!

okay…i just stumbled upon this site in my facebook travels… toooooo awesome!!! and here's another link to justify what I do all day! LOL!! (and I'm not talking about the scrapbooking!! heehee)...

Ohhhhh Tis the Season!!!

ohhh there is soooooooo much fun Christmas stuff goin on…I can't begin to even post all I wanna post!! LOL!!! You'd be snoring and missing all of the fun!!! LOL!!! First of all, let me just say that Sweet Genevieve Designs is having a wonderful wonderful December...

omgoodness…it’s DECEMBER!!!!

Yep, still thankful here!!!! a bit holiday crazed, but thankful none-the-less!! LOL!! So today I wanted to just have a glut post…ie…December LO post…So here ya go. If you aren't a friend of mine on Facebook, you probably haven't seen these!! heehee…   this is using...

Ohhhhhh I’m thankful!! days 22, 23, and 24!

life is really sweet right now!! I am savoring every little happening! Well, except maybe…nope, I'm cherishing the dishes, too!! Actually, I am cherishing my children that take care of the dishes for me, now! (I am doing all the handwashing, which means all the pots...

It’s up!! It’s up!!!

Ohhhh I'm soooo excited!!! Our new web site is up and our first project is officially for sale!! You can buy it right now!!!   Go to Hearthstone Media's web site to see all about our newest CD project!! Yay!!! I'm totally stoked!! We'll have clips up next week so you...
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