by Sally Keller | Dec 23, 2009 | Uncategorized
Here's a quick post for you today!!! Just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!! Enjoy this simple fun WA today!! and HUG someone you love today, too!!!!! Here's your giftie today: {now available in Sally's 12 days of Christmas kit} Ohhh and Connie C, please...
by Sally Keller | Dec 22, 2009 | Uncategorized
Oh My Goodness!! we are getting closer and closer to the Most Wonderful Day of the Year!!! I actually got out and did some shopping today!! *GASP* I hope you are enjoying all of the festivities, too. I finished up one gift project last night…two more (maybe three!!)...
by Sally Keller | Dec 21, 2009 | Uncategorized
Happy 21st of December!! Today is one of my fave days because it is my anniversary!! Mr Gorgeous and I have been married 18 years today. Ohhh I had a beautiful Christmas wedding. It was gorgeous…I just have to show off a little of it…(don't forget, you can click to...
by Sally Keller | Dec 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
Merry 5 days until Christmas!!! Sundays are special around here because we get to go to church and worship the One who came down as a newborn baby to save us!! My favorite name of God is Emmanuel, "God with us". That is such a comforting thought…(comfort and joy –...
by Sally Keller | Dec 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
I'm off to church this morning to sing a bunch of Christmas Carols…so you have a few minutes (hours) to post your fave Christmas carol!! yipeee!!!! I'll be back this afternoon with your special giftie for today!! yay!! Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in...
by Sally Keller | Dec 17, 2009 | Uncategorized
Isnt' this fun??? I am just loving this season of Peace and Love!! And today, my giftie to you is such a fun little mini quilt! I created this after being duly inspired by this awesome movie that we saw in church on Sunday. It's called the Star of Bethlehem, and it's...