{day 3 – celebrate Christmas with embroidery!}

Welcome to day 3 of my fun 12 days of Christmas!! I hope you are having as much fun as I am!!!  I'm not really a planner…well, I plan, but I usually wait until the last minute to execute, so this has been a wonderful time of learning how to really plan ahead! I love...

{day 2 – let’s send some fun Christmas cards!}

  Ohhhh I'm sooo excited to introduce sweet Jackie, my darling friend who is also on Amanda's creative team with me!!! I roped asked her nicely to join my in my 12 days celebration, and she accepted!! Check out her fun tutorial today!! Download a printable PDF copy...

{day 1 – let’s get decorating!}

  Welcome to the first day of my 12 days of Christmas!!! I am so excited to count down the days to Christmas with inspiration, crafts, and some fun freebies and a grand giveaway on Christmas at the end!!! Today, I want to share with you a simple tutorial on how to...
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