by Sally Keller | Dec 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
You know you can't have Christmas without a little gingerbread fun!! So my posts may be getting a little bit shorter since it's getting closer to that magical day, and I just haven't finished my shopping (or creating!! eeeep!) yet! I'm a lot closer! I LOVE LOVE LOVE...
by Sally Keller | Dec 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
Ohhh you know me!! If there is a celebration going on here on the blog, there are bound to be sheep!! LOL!!! So welcome to the day of sheep here!!! Do you want to see some fun sheep pics first??? (sorry if you've seen these before…teeheeee!!!) and a little...
by Sally Keller | Dec 20, 2011 | Uncategorized
How exciting is this to have Julie visit my blog??? I LOVE this project and can't wait for her to show you how she did it! So without further ado, here's Julie with the Intrepid Thread!! Better Than Mistletoe Table Runner DOWNLOAD the printable PDF here!! ...
by Sally Keller | Dec 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
yes, can you believe it? it's day 7 which means we have 6 days before Christmas arrives!! eeeek!! Are you done with your Christmas crafting? your shopping? I have to answer no to both of those!!! So today's tutorial is a collection of fun ideas for kitchen-themed...
by Sally Keller | Dec 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
You didn't think I was going to do have a 12 Days run without some paper crafting, did you???? Of course not!!! I still really enjoy getting out the paper mess and creating randomly! (although my philosophical daughter argued with me the other day that nothing is...
by Sally Keller | Dec 17, 2011 | Uncategorized
You know what I'm going to say!! YES!! I"m so excited!! Today I get to share a tutorial from my sweet friend, Brooke, from Silly Mama Quilts! She has a fantastic tutorial on how to make this fun Countdown Christmas banner for your mantle. You know I have an affinity...