{day 10 – little gingerbread fun}

You know you can't have Christmas without a little gingerbread fun!! So my posts may be getting a little bit shorter since it's getting closer to that magical day, and I just haven't finished my shopping (or creating!! eeeep!) yet! I'm a lot closer! I LOVE LOVE LOVE...

{day 9 – a little sheepish Christmas fun}

Ohhh you know me!! If there is a celebration going on here on the blog, there are bound to be sheep!! LOL!!! So welcome to the day of sheep here!!! Do you want to see some fun sheep pics first??? (sorry if you've seen these before…teeheeee!!!) and a little...

{day 7 – fun quick kitchen gifts!!}

yes, can you believe it? it's day 7 which means we have 6 days before Christmas arrives!! eeeek!! Are you done with your Christmas crafting? your shopping? I have to answer no to both of those!!! So today's tutorial is a collection of fun ideas for kitchen-themed...
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