{fun weekend crafting}

it's the little things in life that keep us smiling!! my son LOVES penguins…so I found a link on Pinterest that led me to this tutorial and I followed it to make the penguins above. (Mine aren't as suave, but my son loved them!! :)) Remember this book? Happy Gloves?...

{i choose joy}

Happy Day after Valentine's Day!! Ours is being celebrated today for many reasons… I just wanted to take a sec to say that my computer is on the blink and it's going to the doctor's today. I have access to other computers, but it's just not the same…*sigh* Pray that...

{fun monday!! appropriate for me!!}

Did you wake up this morning rejoicing???? I did!! It's Monday! A fresh start! yipeeeee!! and I promised you a video… …and despite the wicked weekend I had (filled with fever and ear infections and biggest loser reruns), I got it up and streaming on YouTube today. ...
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