by Sally Keller | Mar 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
Yep, she's 10 today!!!!! A decade since she was born… and ohhhhhh, what a wild day that was!!! Short version???? (trust me, this is the short version!) LOL!! While in labor, my uterus ruptured and she was born into my abdomen. So when they pulled her out during an...
by Sally Keller | Feb 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
Happy Friday, everyone!!! Have you had a good productive week???? I have…it's been crazy busy!! But today, I can just relax and catch up on my house cleaning! (yep, after this week, house cleaning will be relaxing!! LOL!!!) First of all today, I want to share a...
by Sally Keller | Feb 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
ohhh yeah baby!!! I love this week!! it's filled with fun, wild, crazy living!!! Are you living crazy like me??? Are you embracing life to the fullest that you can??? I choose to do just that…embrace all I can!!! So to start this week, I grabbed these fat quarters...
by Sally Keller | Feb 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
it's the little things in life that keep us smiling!! my son LOVES penguins…so I found a link on Pinterest that led me to this tutorial and I followed it to make the penguins above. (Mine aren't as suave, but my son loved them!! :)) Remember this book? Happy Gloves?...
by Sally Keller | Feb 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
Happy Day after Valentine's Day!! Ours is being celebrated today for many reasons… I just wanted to take a sec to say that my computer is on the blink and it's going to the doctor's today. I have access to other computers, but it's just not the same…*sigh* Pray that...
by Sally Keller | Feb 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
Did you wake up this morning rejoicing???? I did!! It's Monday! A fresh start! yipeeeee!! and I promised you a video… …and despite the wicked weekend I had (filled with fever and ear infections and biggest loser reruns), I got it up and streaming on YouTube today. ...