{plans, resolutions, and holiday wildness…}

Quick mid-week blogpost just to let you know I'm still here! I'm still organizing my life! Isn't it amazing how we keep having to organize and reorganize??? {everything from Leora Sanford's Reminisce kit – gorgeous!!!} I came upon this quote on Pinterest and it struck...

{there is a light…and a tunnel…and an end…}

Oh yes! I'm excited!!!  I'm excited because I'm making choices! good ones, I think! And I'm not waiting until January 1st!   I'm going to start my new years resolutions today!! And that first resolution is to really focus on what is highest on my priority list! I have...

{quilt market gorgeousness…coming!!!}

{four people's loot from Sample Spree!!! glad we are helping the economy, for sure!!} Quick hello just to let you know that I'm going right back to the convention center here in Houston to take a million pictures for you from Fall Quilt Market! Super excited!!!! BTW,...


it's time to come clean with all of my works in progress!! I'm over the top again, and I need to have a finishing week, for sure!!! ♥ {above photo… Alpine Wonderland quilt pattern/top ready to be quilted/written out!!} of course, we have advent calendars: I have a...

{i did it!}

I did it! I actually opened my typepad dashboard to write a blog post!!  I'm generally a very happy person with an optimistic outlook on life (yep, the word PollyAnna comes up now and then!!), and so usually when I'm silent, it's because I'm dealing with something. In...

{confessions & transformations}

I have a love/hate relationship with organization…confession #1… I know the bottom line of organization is really self-discipline. Ohhhh, how I wish I had been born with a little of that…but I do believe it can be learned! That's the journey I'm on right now!!!...
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