Been scrapping and playing

How fun is it to play with family that you haven’t seen for a while? Lots of fun!! My sister-in-law and her fam just left after spending two weeks here. They have two girls right in my kids’ ages, so the cousins had a blast!!!! Here’s a fun pic from the Alamo from...

Bad BLOGGING and LOs and stuff…

I’ve seen so many Bloggers have a post like this…now it’s my turn. I’m not really the best blogger and I probably won’t change UNLESS I choose to change. This is what God is teaching me right now! It’s a choice, people!! Like everything in life, we choose to live the...

Back home!!!!!

We’re back home!! Yea!! Now I need a vacation to get over my vacation! Just kidding. I had such a wonderful time! And! I figured out how to upload pics into albums. Yea!!! So you can see some shots of the Civil War reenactment day we had. Very cool!! Click on the pic...

Dragonflaire Studios happenings!!

Hi everyone!!! I just wanted to let everyone know of a very cool new site that is starting up. We’ve been going for a bit, but we are looking for more crafters to come play with us!! You can find Dragonflaire Studios HERE. I have a free template challenge going on...

This week’s New HYBRID challenge at KBandFriends

Here is this week’s HYBRid challenge over at KB and Friends!! It seems as though it’s getting difficult to get us digi-scrappers to use that printer!! Come on,girls!! This is a challenge! You’re supposed to be challenged!!! Pick your fave two digital papers and add a...
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