Time to get a-BLOG-rollin’ LOL!!

Soooooo…what have you guys been up to? I’ve become a cheery-o at OScraps!! YAY!!! I love it…I love the Os…I just love everything about digi-scrapping…well, and paper scrapping…and rubber stamping. I think it’s time to get some inspiration going here on this page!...

Christmas Craziness!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas from the Kellers and let you know that we are still here plugging away at fun stuff in life. We believe that we need to do what God wants us to do, and have fun doing it, amen??? So, we have been having...

a little bit of heartache and a LO…

I’m sad…our football season, for all intents and purposes, is over. We lost on Saturday!!! When I have more time, I’ll update how close it was…the highlights…and show off some more of my sweetie son. But for now, suffice it to say, we lost. One last thought before I...

guess who else is 4 eyes???

my sweetie Lillian!! Check out what we got today!!! isn’t she a cutie!!! typical LIL!!! She’s my baby!! and hopefully will enjoy this phase in her life!!! Love you, LIL!!   Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...

feeling emotional??? need inspiration???

I was surfing all of the BLOGs of my buddies over at DragonFlaire Studios (cause Erika posted a list HERE of all of our BLOGS), and came upon Nikki’s. Her LOs are stunning…her use of hybrid is wonderful…but this is what really touched me when I read through her BLOG....

hi everyone!!

Here are some LOs to keep you busy!!! I’m regenerating after a wisdom tooth extraction…seems like I should have some wise saying to explain my absence, but since the "wisdom" is all gone, then it’s off to create and post my creations!!! here the kids are at the alamo…...
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