a bit of inspiration…

okay….to start off tonight's post I have to share a YouTube video that I absolutely love…I've not shared videos on my BLOG yet, so I'm hoping this works!! LOL!! I just ordered the DVD and CD from worshipmusic.com…I can't wait to see it all and hear it. This is from...

late night fun…

Well, Mr gorgeous is back in CA…*SIGH*…I miss him already. That weekend went by a little fast! wow!! So I whipped up some stuff tonight! Here ya go!! the two other LOs I did, I did for a hybrid project for this Sunday…gotta wait to see that one! 🙂 Here are some other...

fun day here…

Well, Mr. Gorgeous got home last night from California. He leaves again tomorrow (which is really today!) I am trying to be strong. It's amazing the strength God gives you when you ask. Sometimes I forget to ask. But we had a fabulous prayer meeting at church, and our...

Ohhhhhhh A new Altered Challenge at the O…

Amber (persnicketychick) has issued a new challenge to us this month!! You have to join in this one!! This is a hoot to do. I had sooo much fun playing with this pic of my dear, sweet ROYAL family!! Here is the AlteredO challenge, and here is my take on it!! Enjoy!...

Come and PLAY with me!!!!

I'm here…and so are my LOs!!! I've done 16 so far in the month of June and it's only the 6th!! wow!!! here are a few I did for Melanie Colosimo's Designer Spotlight that she is doing this week at the O… You can see credits and leave some love here in my GALLERY!!...

Some fun inspo!!!

Here are some current LOs of mine to keep you busy!! If you are curious about what I used to make these wonderful LOs, check out my gallery at OScraps…I have 33 pages of LOs there!! WOW!!!! my Oscraps Gallery Happy scrapping!! Share this:Click to share on Facebook...
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