by Sally Keller | Jun 9, 2008 | Uncategorized
okay….to start off tonight's post I have to share a YouTube video that I absolutely love…I've not shared videos on my BLOG yet, so I'm hoping this works!! LOL!! I just ordered the DVD and CD from…I can't wait to see it all and hear it. This is from...
by Sally Keller | Jun 8, 2008 | Uncategorized
Well, Mr gorgeous is back in CA…*SIGH*…I miss him already. That weekend went by a little fast! wow!! So I whipped up some stuff tonight! Here ya go!! the two other LOs I did, I did for a hybrid project for this Sunday…gotta wait to see that one! 🙂 Here are some other...
by Sally Keller | Jun 7, 2008 | Uncategorized
Well, Mr. Gorgeous got home last night from California. He leaves again tomorrow (which is really today!) I am trying to be strong. It's amazing the strength God gives you when you ask. Sometimes I forget to ask. But we had a fabulous prayer meeting at church, and our...
by Sally Keller | Jun 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
Amber (persnicketychick) has issued a new challenge to us this month!! You have to join in this one!! This is a hoot to do. I had sooo much fun playing with this pic of my dear, sweet ROYAL family!! Here is the AlteredO challenge, and here is my take on it!! Enjoy!...
by Sally Keller | Jun 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
I'm here…and so are my LOs!!! I've done 16 so far in the month of June and it's only the 6th!! wow!!! here are a few I did for Melanie Colosimo's Designer Spotlight that she is doing this week at the O… You can see credits and leave some love here in my GALLERY!!...
by Sally Keller | May 29, 2008 | Uncategorized
Here are some current LOs of mine to keep you busy!! If you are curious about what I used to make these wonderful LOs, check out my gallery at OScraps…I have 33 pages of LOs there!! WOW!!!! my Oscraps Gallery Happy scrapping!! Share this:Click to share on Facebook...