by Sally Keller | Jul 9, 2008 | Uncategorized
ohhhh I’m fading fast tonight! I did my quiet time late tonight. It was great!! I sat with the guitar and started a new song. I read a little from the awesome book, GODSONGS, by Paul Baloche and Jimy and Carol Owens. It is fab for songwriters!! And what else? We had a...
by Sally Keller | Jul 9, 2008 | Uncategorized
We are cooking with gas now!!! Let me hear from you ladies!! Are you doing it? YES, You are!!! (in my best Bob, the Builder voice!) Isn’t it fun to feel the habit forming? Where you don’t really have to think about it, but it just happens…if you’re not there yet, it’s...
by Sally Keller | Jul 8, 2008 | Uncategorized
Ohhhh I’m sooo loving this habit!! today I spent about 2 hours (with interruptions and kid noise and everything) just reading mags and studying some things online and just having a wonderful time thinking in my bedroom…my escape… I hope I’m not going too overboard!!...
by Sally Keller | Jul 8, 2008 | Uncategorized
Here we are; the start of a new week for our habit forming challenge. If you’ve made it this far, congrats!! If you’ve fallen off of the wagon or you think it will never happen, TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!! Get off of your comfy chair (this is to me!!) and get going on your...
by Sally Keller | Jul 8, 2008 | Uncategorized
Congrats to three girlies who have stuck it out for the first week!! If you want a giftie and you didn’t post in the end of the week post, never fear!! There are two more weeks to follow through~ YAY!!!! So our winners for the first week are: digiscrapper (a 5$ GC to...
by Sally Keller | Jul 7, 2008 | Uncategorized
Ohhh I had a great day today! And as for my habit, it started with flossing and ended with some ice cream bites! Don’t tell my gorgeous children!! LOL!! We went to the beach today and apparently none of us believe in sunscreen…hmmmmm…may have to learn about that...