by sallykeller814 | Jun 13, 2016 | me made may 2016
I loved the idea of Me Made May…looking back. I wish I had prepared better and had my serger lessons beforehand. I’m super excited about learning how to use a serger tomorrow with my friend, and I plan to have another few months of Me Made Clothes. But first, let me...
by sallykeller814 | May 30, 2016 | me made may 2016
I’m home! Safe and sound and finished with all graduation wildness (except finishing up presents! eeek! I’m so behind!!). I have had such a fabulous last three weeks. It’s been a whirlwind, but I expected that. Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing my Quilt Market...
by sallykeller814 | May 9, 2016 | me made may 2016
Welcome to week one of my Me Made May project! A couple of disclaimers: I make clothes because I love handmade!! I love the process of making, I love how you can sew a seam and turn it right side out and see something so clean, and I love the discovery process about...
by sallykeller814 | May 2, 2016 | me made may 2016
Here’s a fun challenge in which I’m taking part this month!! Me Made May 2016 For me, it will be about wearing handmade as many days as I can in the month of May! I started yesterday out with a new shirt that I made using this book… It was the last shirt pattern in...