by sallykeller814 | Dec 8, 2017 | inspiration, just life..., musical fun
It’s 1:30pm on a Friday afternoon in a suburb outside of Houston, Texas. The skies are blue and the weather looks beautiful…cool and wintery, but sunny! (Yay, vitamin D!!) Last night around 10pm, it was snowing in this area. Houston, Texas. Snow. The world is upside...
by sallykeller814 | Dec 1, 2017 | Art & Crafts, inspiration, just life...
I have a confession to make…well, several. First, I LOVE Christmas. I love focusing on the manger and the Baby Jesus. I love nativity sets. And I love Christmas music, of course. Last year, we did something completely out of the ordinary for Christmas. It was the trip...
by sallykeller814 | Apr 25, 2017 | inspiration, just life...
Wildness ensues as the end of this school year approaches. My weeks have calmed down a little bit as I prepare for graduation for child #3, for child #2 to come home from college, and a summer FULL of preparation for next year’s school year for child #4 and moving...
by sallykeller814 | Mar 2, 2017 | just life...
Happy Happy 15th Birthday, Lillian Clar!! (here we are in Hawaii!!!!) She’s a miracle, a wild one, a wonderful spirit…my youngest baby! She and I have been through it…literally!!! You can read all about her death at birth, my uterine rupture, and all of the recovery...
by sallykeller814 | Jan 30, 2017 | inspiration, just life...
A year of Amazing Abundance…that’s what 2017 is! Abundant learning, abundant LIFE, Abundant LOVE!! That’s where I am. And I’m starting here with some declarations: (Bear with me. It’s taken me a month to get it together!) Celebrating the people around me: This is my...
by Sally Keller | Dec 26, 2015 | just life..., Uncategorized
As 2015 comes to a close, I wish you all of the joy and gladness of this season to consume your day to day life! Here in Texas, I am gearing up to start the new year with an emphasis on HOPE and JOY through different projects: quilting, musical, and with the family!...