This little pocket of space on the internet is a great place to share with you so many things! Did you know I’ve been sharing my life with you since 2007? That’s 12 years right here!! And I feel like we haven’t even scratched the surface!

Recently, we went on a trip up to the Pacific Northwest to be at the birth of our grandson. It was the most magical time, not only because of sweet Eliot’s birth but because of everything: the weather was perfect, the baby’s timing was amazing, the hospital staff was beyond wonderful, our time together as a family was inspirational, and honestly, my eyes were open to even more wonderous and miraculous workings of the Lord!!!!

Seattle at dusk…Mount Rainier in all of her glory!

One of the things we’ve been talking through this year is IDENTITY. And as my Mom identity changed to MawMaw (my granny name! 😏), I found this super sweet place where I can sit and love on a new little being.

One day old!
10 days old!!

This little sweet bubba just captured our hearts immediately and delighted us with little sounds, sneezes, and hiccups! He slept when he was supposed to, ate right away with voracity, and stayed awake for long periods of time just staring at us!! (I know, I know…they can’t really focus their eyes that early!!)

So of course, I made him a quilt! I used Art Gallery Fabrics from the line Stargazer which I bought over at my LQS It Seams to Be Sew. Here’s the whole quilt:

The marvelous long-arm quilting is by Jenn Saxena

While on this baby whirlwind tour, Mr. Gorgeous and I started delving into what’s next in our lives! And guess what??? We’re not sure, but we know we want to do something together to change the world!!!

I love that you can see Mt Rainier in this pic!!!

We’re spending a lot of time praying and thinking and talking about our next steps. We’re reading a lot of new business books and fun blogs and writings from business coaches. We’re also understanding that our next steps need to be ordered of God. That is the most important thing…doing everything for His glory and crafted by Him.

Thank you for your prayers during this wild time of change! Also, stay tuned because I will keep you posted here with what’s going on. And as always, I’m posting every day on my two Instagram accounts: sallykeller814 & shopsallysangelworks.

Many blessings,

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