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You know how it goes: how do you get to Carnegie Hall?

Practice, practice, practice! 

I personally have had a LOVE/HATE relationship with practicing. It’s an ongoing study I’m doing right now with myself. Be disciplined and do what you are supposed to do, or be free to let your freak flag fly!

I’ve found that to be free, I have to be disciplined! Darn!!!

But in the discipline, I’m getting stronger and freer to do what I want and more importantly, what I need to do. 

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Somethings are easier to tackle…like BRT rehearsals. I love them. Practicing with the guys is super fun (most of the time, of course!!! LOL!!) and I’m enjoying incorporating more of my vocal coaching learning in each rehearsal. But that’s for another post!

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Cello practicing has become my go-to “me” time. It’s rewarding right now. But it’s also hard. It’s slow and painstaking at times, but super awesome after all of those scales when I can play a harder passage!

There is a caveat. One of the biggest reasons I stopped playing every single day was because I chose to spend time doing other things, especially homeschooling and being with my kiddos. I remember one time many (16ish) years ago when my oldest two were wee bairns. They were running in and out of the room in which I was practicing. I got so irritated! I was practicing for an audition for a local orchestra. I caught myself before I screamed (I think!! LOL!! don’t ask cora!) and thought, this isn’t worth it. In order to be the best cellist, I need more time behind it!

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But what about those faces?

They are the best! And the priority! So I chose not to audition. And I plowed full force into teaching my darlings.

I also recognize it’s also healthy for those not-so-wee bairns to realize that Momma needs time to practice, too. So, I make time deliberately at this time in my life for both! Other things (quilting) will be put on the back burner some days, but what a privilege it is to have the training to play this awesome instrument and to be able to homeschool my kids!

My other motivation to practice besides my “me” time?

I get to play on a fun retirement concert this Sunday! If you are in the Houston area, come out and hear Sarah Winkel and friends at Westbury United Methodist Church at 5200 Willowbend at 4pm on Sunday, September 20th. I am one of those friends!! 



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