2015-07-04 09.58.44

Welcome to Monday!!! (Carmel is excited…can you tell?)

We’ve gotten into a bit of a routine here at Brazos Wood Academy (yep, we have a name for our homeschool! It helps when creating transcripts!!). We actually have a good routine!! I wish for more hours in the day for sure, but don’t we all wish for that?

I have two things I’m still adding into my routine randomly…

one: my Bible art journaling:

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How to make it a routine? Get up earlier!! Still working on that!!

and two: quilting!!

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How do I incorporate it back into the schedule? Plan, plan, plan!!

One thing I did this past spring was I listed my Have-to Projects out with their due dates. You’ve seen my quilts for my daughter and the baby quilt for my niece’s son. Let’s see another wedding quilt!!

On August 1st, my nephew got married in Central Washington State. It was so beautiful!!!

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(Mr Gorgeous’s pic during the ceremony)

I was so blessed to get to play cello with my niece and my nephew’s best friend (and his bandmate!)

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(Mr Gorgeous took this before the ceremony…practicing is always good!)

Here’s a picture of my mother and all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren (except one grandchild…I don’t know where he wandered off to. Probably off doing Best Man things!):


(beautiful pic by OliviaStrohmPhotography)

So of course, I had to make this beautiful couple a quilt for their wedding!!

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I used Cotton + Steel fabrics. I also used Becca Bryan’s pattern, Trilobite. Love it! Love how it looks like mountains! And this is exactly why I picked it for Phil and Nina. They are hikers and climbers and those awesome outdoorsy people that we all aspire to be like! 

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I used the ever popular ikea fabric for the backing along with a strip of leftover solid!


I embroidered on this one, too…a Bible verse and Phil and Nina’s name and wedding date. 

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The verse says, “‘Remain in my love,’ love, Jesus.” I love that sentiment. Other translations say “Abide” instead of “Remain”. The concept of abiding really resonates with me in my marriage. I love just sitting with Mr Gorgeous. Or just going grocery shopping with him. Or even traveling 5800 miles in an Excursion next to him!! That’s really abiding! Love it!!!

I have since seen a fun pic of huddling underneath the quilt while listening to fabulous music. (Want to hear that fab music? go check out my nephew’s band, Cold Mountain Yeti. It is awesome!! Especially the Mustache song (aka All Fine)!!) Quilts are perfect, don’t you think?

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Stay tuned for a few fun little projects, two new patterns, and wedding quilt #3!!! And expect a few more blog posts per week now that we are in a better routine! 




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