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We’ve had a summer filled with weddings! And they have been beautiful, for sure!!!

As quilters, we have a compelling desire to make quilts…pretty much all the time. I realized after making a bunch of quilts that I want to give everyone I know a quilt. But we just can’t do that, can we? So I decided to make quilts for people on three occasions (with the ability to change my mind and add others if I need to!!): graduations, babies, and weddings! 

I’m already behind on my graduation quilts, BUT! I’ve given all of the brides and grooms we’ve celebrated this summer! (I hope they’ve unwrapped them!)

I’ll start with the first wedding of the summer for me: Cora and Nathan’s!


Ohhhh all these people I love!! I picked this picture off of Sarah MacKenzie’s blog post about Cora’s wedding because it shows off the real first quilt of the summer! (really spring – read about it here!)

Cora said as she was leaving for Paris on her honeymoon, “I was thinking, where is my new quilt? Then I realized you made me a quilt!” Little did she know that I already had all of the fabrics for ANOTHER quilt for their home. I knew their home wasn’t going to be navy and gold, so I grabbed greys and whites and gold…Nathan loves neutrals and Cora – yep, she’s a gold girlie!

Here’s their new quilt:

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The best part about this quilt is that it is made from double gauze. It is the softest, yummiest quilt!!! I am extremely addicted to this fabric! 

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True to my voice, I added embroidery with their names and their wedding date on a single gold silk block.

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I loved making this surprise quilt for my sweeties!

After all of their hard work with their DIY wedding, now they can cuddle in their little sweet apartment under their new double gauze quilt!!


Stay tuned for several more wedding quilts! We had a busy summer! 



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