2015-06-18 16.10.51-2

While preparing for the wedding this summer, my mom was getting her house all ready for family coming to stay with her. She has a fun friend who helped her redecorate using her own things and stuff her friend had stashed from all of her decorating jobs. 

They decided to focus on the guest room. Mom picked a color scheme, and her friend painted the walls this sweet green/blue color. It matched my Irish Plus quilt perfectly!

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In order to finish her room, my mom asked for a sweet little valance like one I made a few years ago for her little office. It was a wonderful diversion during the crazy prep of a wedding!

Using my Irish Plus quilt for inspiration, here’s the result!

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Such a sweet color scheme! and a sweet guest room. Fun, fun!!! 

We worked hard this first day of school!

Today was Lil’s first official day of 8th grade (she started her math last week), and Cora’s official first day of her senior day of college. Last Monday was Emma’s first official day of 11th grade, and next Monday is Quentin’s first day of his senior year of high school! 


and just for fun…here’s a flashback from 7 years ago…


oh these children…Love them, and I’m praying for a great year for them!!!

And I’m praying for a great year for you and me, too!!



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