Let her sleep triptych 8

Yay!!! We have a winner here on the blog for our “From Bump to Baby” layer cake!!

Linda!!! You have won! Check your email!!! And then watch that mailbox!!


Today was a great day…especially for this little girlie! 

She’s a teenager today!! What???? 13??? Yep!!


Here’s where she started…after a traumatic birth (during which she died…yep..actual apgar of 0), after miracle after miracle…here she is now…


She’s doing great!!!

But it’s her story that tells it all!! Read our different perspectives and the miracles and the synopsis of Lil’s birth 13 years ago!!! Scroll through her pics…they are dramatic!

read it RIGHT HERE! 

(disclaimer: I obviously haven’t updated her website. I don’t want to update the site because of my nostalgia…but some day, I’ll have to!!)


(2yo Emma with Lil!)

If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you know I post this link every year. Every year the miracle seems even more miraculous. She is an amazing sweet girl!

And my favorite quote was from her last night on the phone with a family friend: “I know!! My parents are in trouble! They have another teenager!!!”


{thanks to captureyourbliss.com for Kristen’s beautiful photography of my darling family} 

And tomorrow, I will continue to give thanks to God for the blissful life and miracles!!



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