“Now, God be praised, that to believing souls gives light in darkness, comfort in despair.”
I was browsing through all of my posts from last year to pick my favorite posts, and I found that I posted a plethora (big word!) of WIPs posts, but not quite as many finishes!! This actually stopped me from posting a WIP post in January this year. But, honestly, I love sharing what I’m working on! It keeps me accountable to what I need to finish, for sure! Plus, if I’m floundering for a project to distract me from the world today, I can go back and see what I’m working on and jump back in!
So without further ado, here is a combination of a couple finishes and a few WIPs!
This sweet little dress was my “muslin” for this pattern from this book…
It’s the same as the cover dress. I sewed it pretty well…but…
…I kinda totally forgot to pin and size it before I sewed it all together. So, it’s pretty much two sizes too small. It does fit my Cora though! Lucky for her!
Speaking of Cora, she asked her little 4yo cousins if they wanted to be flower girlies with Lil in the wedding! And she gave them little aprons. They said yes, although Livy (right) wants to be a SpiderGirl. She said she’d throw spiders. Well, it’s an outdoor wedding…I don’t have a problem with that!!! ♥
Back in October, I met my new friend, Diana Ray from rayssewcrafty on IG. She works for Eleanor Burns and A Quilt in a Day, and one of the gifties she gave me was a little packet of scraps from Eleanor’s stash!! I whipped up a little mini for my kitchen! Love!!!
I used E6000 to adhere the fork. I also used it to practice my FMQ. It’s a big reminder that I need to learn/practice my feathers. (“only Jesus was perfect, only Jesus was perfect…”)
Here’s what I’ve got in the works for the next two weeks…
Not counting the two dresses and two skirts I want to make before QuiltCon, I have a few blog hop/tutorials I’ll be posting in the next few weeks!!
On the 14th, I’ll be posting my Color Theory Challenge project…
More about that soon…
interjection…my darling bff knows me sooooo (or should I say SEWWWW) well! She got me a handmade beautiful seam ripper from an artisan at a craft show that her mom puts together each November. I haven’t told her, but I’ve actually used it everyday that I’ve sewn since I got it! eeeeek!!! Thank goodness it’s soooo beautiful! Worth seam ripping! ♥
btw, hopefully my challenge partners won’t be mad that I’m throwing this fabric (below) in my challenge project:
From Cloud9…my sweet friend Stephanie picked up a FQ of that at Quilt Festival for me! I LOVE SHEEP!!!!
Look at that fabulously colorful and gorgeous fabric. I’m a little over halfway done with my first project with these fabrics, From Bump to Baby by Gina Martin Designs! You will love it!
Here’s a sneaky peek!
I just need about 58 more hours in the day…so I can sketch more…
…or paint…
or collage something…
Creating is certainly a journey!!! Stay tuned for even more WIPs and many more finishes!!