
Quick post for me today!

It’s the start of a very busy week here at the Keller’s!! (Not like the rest of the summer hasn’t been busy! LOL!) It’s two weeks away from school starting, and I’m in a slight panic mode!!  I have been trying to sew like a crazy woman, so that when school starts, I can really focus on my kiddos!!

So, I did finish the two borders that I hadn’t finished last week. 

Sallys angelworks SMA

I’m in love with how this is turning out. (My design wall has push pins in it that are causing a little wrinklage! Hopefully I’m not too off on my squaring up!!)

Next border, the crosses!!! Check out Brooke’s post from today where she gives some tips!!

My tip for today is if you are having trouble with your fabric choices for the cross border (like I am!! so wishy washy today!!), go to Flickr and/or Pinterest and search Marcelle Medallion and see what pops out at you!!  There are so many fun ideas out there!!! I even found one girl who added two more borders on hers! I may totally copy her. I posted a link in our Summer Medallion Adventure FB page here!


Be sure to join me tomorrow for some fun Christmas excitement!!!



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