
My title is a regular theme in my life! I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like I’m in a blissful state, but I try to have hope!! And each time I finish a big project, I definitely have hope for even more finishes!!!  


First of all, make sure you are signed up to get my newsletter! I have a new one coming out tomorrow, and you are not going to want to miss this one, the first in a series of 6 fantastic surprises!! ♥

Sign up here {newsletter} for fun stuff!!




Second of all, today marks the beginnings of my blogging every day (with occasional weekend days off! we all need some rest!!) through December! I’ll reevaluate in January! But for now, I need to make a committment to keep the fires burning here in blogland! If things get wonky, I’ll be sure to let you know! I know you’ve missed all of my exclamation points here the last few months! ♥


Third of all, How about a finish???


I have a sweet friend who is having her third baby!! Here’s the crazy thing! I was thinking about what fabric with which to make a quilt for her, and she PMed me on facebook and asked me if I can do the bedding for her crib. I say, “of course!! I was already planning on making a quilt for your sweetie pie!!” She shows me a pic of the colors she wants to use, and lo and behold, I actually have the very fabric she shows me!! What??? So, the colors are picked, the fabrics are picked…now, to get that bedding made!!


I made the quilt top at our annual guild retreat. I started out with a decent stash of this awesome fabric line – Adornit’s Nested Owls. I met Carolee from Adornit at Quilt Market, and she is such a nice girlie! I’ve always loved her designs including her scrapbooking designs when I was a paper scrapbooking fiend!! And these owls…love them!!!


Megan painted her dresser to match her fun teal and red colors and the quilt matches so well!!!

I have to get her to take a pic of the whole finished quilt after she washes it…it’ll be so fluffy and fun!!


I embroidered a Z for her name – ZoAnna – and used that fab IKEA fabric for the backing! Megan loved that, too!! (me, too!! I can’t get enough of that on my quilt backs!! LOL!!)


Another fun friend is making bedding for her first grandbaby (due in July!), so we decided to do the ruffle skirt together.  We used this tutorial from EmmmyLizzzy’s blog!! It took us all day on Memorial Day, but we enjoyed almost every minute of it!! I have to tell you, it is so fun to do new projects with someone else, because you both have input and shortcuts to help the other…a blissful life!

I also did the bumper pad using a McCall’s pattern for the measurements. I was worried about the sturdiness…so I doubled the batting. I think it came out great!!! Hopefully, ZoAnna will think so, too!!


{Mary Cassat’s Child in a Straw Hat from the National Gallery of Art!}

I have a bunch more to share with you! Some very overdue Quilt Market pictures and thoughts AND more finishes…and WIPs!! Eeeeeek!! So many fun projects up my sleeve!!

Be sure and sign up for that newsletter…it’s going out tomorrow night!! 


♥ Blessings!!! ♥

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