
Yep…a post all about me!!!

…hi…my name is sally…and i’m a fabric-a-holic…

okay, enough about me…let’s talk about you!! What do you think of me????

Just kidding!!!! 

Really, if you want to know all about me, HERE’s my ABOUT ME page

Sallys angelworks cookies

Now, let’s talk about inspiration!!

Love never gives up
{pic by my darling son, Quentin}

If you haven’t read this on my Etsy shop page, here’s what inspires me:

a sweet melody I can’t get out of my head, my husband, a blue cloudless sky, the smell of lavender, a cottage-style kitchen table with white paint peeling off of it, the soft feel of cotton, a wrap-around porch with a tin star on it, my husband, the cello, a rubber stamp – some red ink – and a black journaling marker, buttons and lace, swirls, the sound of my children peeking into my room while i’m sleeping in the morning then giggling and running away, did i mention my husband?, a beautiful blog, the ocean at sunrise, a group of women who honestly strive to encourage each other, my mother, the way that God uses the earth to paint a landscape, the sleepy-eyed look in my children’s faces when they first get up, embroidery thread, a pencil and a sketch pad, good bluegrass music, a comfy chair, a soft worn vintage quilt…AND being made in the image of the Creator and creating all day long!

What is inspiring you today????

(here’s me and my darling youngest today!!!)

Momma and Lillian photobooth

And here is my newest piece of clothing that I made…

Photo (6)

The Wiksten Tank dress…I really love it! And I have new fabrics from Amanda’s Madhuri line coming with which to make a couple more tanks!! yay!!!

Hope you are inspired today!!!


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