
we all live a beautiful life…

…if we can find the beautiful-ness in it! 🙂

This week, I have been cleaning out my craft studio, trying to make more room for all of that fabric I got up in the Pacific Northwest. I have been finding fun little things that inspire me, like the hand-embroidered pillowcase in the pic up above!

I found my first project that used  fabrics by The Quilted Fish. I made an iPad cover using Sweet Divinity before I was chosen by my darling friend Amanda to join her awesome team…


but the fun was that I found a little sweet piece of fabric inside the ipad cover that had the most wonderful embroidery on it!!


When I got home from Seattle, I realized that I sure could have used a coin purse! 

So I made me one using this awesome piece of embroidered fabric (embroidered by my sweetie Emma!).





Isn’t it beautiful???

Anything made by my kids is beautiful!!

…it makes my heart sing!! for sure!


What is beautiful in your life today????

….my list goes on and on…


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