
Quick mid-week blogpost just to let you know I’m still here! I’m still organizing my life! Isn’t it amazing how we keep having to organize and reorganize???


{everything from Leora Sanford’s Reminisce kit – gorgeous!!!}

I came upon this quote on Pinterest and it struck me as so true!! For me personally, I recognize the fact that I need realigning, so that I can find my true Source! And then I can let Him rebuild me!

No drama here…I’m not falling apart! But I like to practice preventative medicine. (Funny, my new web development/blogging gig is all about preventative healthcare!!) Let’s have our lives organized in such a way that we won’t tend to hit rock bottom…During this season especially!!! 


So one of the things I’m doing to ensure that I don’t hit rock bottom this thankful and busy season is to write down all of my projects in a planner…I’m hoping to share this planner with you soon!! It has a “Resolutions” type of feel…and I want to start those early, so I’m not bound by the January 1st rush!! It’s kinda like a sugar rush…after 20 minutes, I’m crashing!! LOL!! But I think if we aren’t beholden to dates, we can succeed!

Anyway, two of my projects will be hoiday projects and will be made out of these FABULOUS fabrics by Amanda, the Quilted Fish…her Flutter line!!! YUMMMMMMM!! I know you are excited as I am to see!!! and if you NEED some of this fabric, hop on over to Julie’s store, the Intrepid Thread and grab some Flutter!!! sooooo wonderful!

Okay, Wednesday is my day to sew!! yay! I’m off to use my seam ripper…there is a life analogy in there, too, but I’m going to save that for a later post!

blessings and peace!!

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