I did it! I actually opened my typepad dashboard to write a blog post!!
I’m generally a very happy person with an optimistic outlook on life (yep, the word PollyAnna comes up now and then!!), and so usually when I’m silent, it’s because I’m dealing with something. In this case, I’m still happy, enjoying life, choosing joy daily, loving my different circumstances…
but, it is still super hard to blog! I have all of these expectations of myself when I blog. And great pictures are at the top of my list!! Right now, it is just taking too long to edit for the blog. So I don’t do it.
I’m not mad, angry, frustrated (well, maybe a little frustrated with the laptop!!), cranky…well, maybe a little cranky when the kids get a little over the top when I haven’t eaten lunch…(Oops, outloud voice!!!)…I’m just trying to pick and choose my battles!! Right now, the blogging isn’t winning, and that does make me sad!
I will say that if you don’t “LIKE” Sally’s Angelworks on Facebook, you are missing a lot of pictures and commentary daily that normally would be here!
I know, I know, I just need to suck it up and do what I need to do! I will…soon!! I promise!
In the meantime, enjoy some instagram pics that I recently posted…(follow me at sallykeller814 on instagram):
redwork embroidery on my Cowboy Days quilt!!
new pillow top….love the hexies!
pillow back!!
LOL! Pillow done!!
newest fave quote: “the nearness of God is my good!” – stay tuned for that story!!
I’m working hard! I promise!!! ♥
Hang in there! I have NO DOUBT you are working hard!