I am so very thankful for the little things this week!!
…for sweet deals like this one from Amanda…
She is offering 20% off the book price right now!! Go here to purchase and enter BLOGTOUR at checkout to get your 20%off discount!! yipeeeeee!!!
I’m thankful for having time to just relax in the craft studio…
Some of us like to relax more than others…
I am so very thankful for focus…(via coffee? LOL!!)
and for my Christmas in July theme this month!!
love this fabric, Alpine Wonderland, from Julie’s store!!
This new quilt pattern is coming August 1st!!! So exciting!
I also have two new lines coming into the store…
totally excited!!!
so thankful for time to play and for finishes…
I am loving these colors!!
And how about this very fun pattern by Rashida Coleman-Hale?
Here’s my version using Tina Givens’ Star Flakes and Glitter fabric from Julie’s store, the Intrepid Thread!
(see Lil’s eyes peek over? such a cutie!!!)
I really enjoyed creating this fun whimiscal quilt!! fast, easy, and really satisfying when finished!!
so very thankful for my sweet kiddos…
Last Friday was this little cutie’s 18th birthday! She spent it in Northern Ireland ministering to the people of Portadown. She had a lovely day!! If you want to see what’s been going on with her ministry team, go here to their facebook page!!
I was super thankful that her rented global cell phone worked and we were all there to sing her Happy birthday!! Technology is amazing!!! (and I’m saying this while my computer is in the geek hospital…sigh! it’s still amazing!!)
so very thankful for all of the little things in my life…
so very thankful for the big things!!!
especially hope…
what are you thankful for today?????