
Are you still on the tour???? We are, and we are super excited to bring our book to you from our own perspectives!! 

Be sure to hope through to every blog:

Sunday, July 1st: Amanda’s Blog & Jana’s Blog

Monday, July 2nd: Julie’s Blog

Tuesday, July 3rd: Sally’s Blog  <<<—-that’s me!

Wednesday, July 4th: Candice’s Blog

Thursday, July 5th: Stephanie’s Blog

Friday, July 6th: Johanna’s Blog

Saturday, July 7th: Jackie’s Blog

Sunday, July 8th: Brooke’s Blog

 If you want another perspective on the book, An Apple A Day, check out my friend, Safieh‘s post on the Houston Modern Quilt Guild‘s blog today!

Check out her cute cards inspired by the book!!!


and to enter my giveaway, check out this post here!!!


While you are hopping, here are some other projects I’ve been dabbling with!!!


Every Fourth of July, I continue our family tradition of creating a Flag Cake. Here’s the progression of this year’s cake! Above, the cake and plain frosting background! (stay tuned for the BEST buttercream frosting recipe ever!!)


I decided to stick with only red and blue food coloring to color my “painting”.


Here’s the sketch I was working off of…

and the final cake?


Those little clothespins are the cutest!! And I am in love with flag quilts hanging on the clothesline. Love!!

Here’s my mom’s best Buttercream Frosting Ever:


(for the card, I used Jennifer Labre’s Sugar and Spice Digital kit!!

Happy 4th!!


And continuing the July celebration…Here are two sneaky peeks from my Christmas in July projects!



which turned into this so far…



And this one?


Love this quilt top! I’ll be sharing this process very soon!!


Here’s a project I finished recently! It is inspired by one of my Art of Wild Abandonment projects by Junelle Jacobsen

I started with this one:



and I turned it into this:





Love this extra special touch in my craft studio!!


We are super excited to have our sweetie pie Cora leave for her mission trip to Northern Ireland and London this weekend! Please join us in praying for her and her mission trip companions including her boyfriend, Nathan! We’re also praying for all of the hearts in the UK that they would be open to their ministry!



~~~ And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo,I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”~~~

blessings!!! ♥♥♥

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