Remember this???? {hidden in this post here…}
Last week at Quilt Market our BIG secret was revealed in Amanda’s Booth!!!
She revealed her book that she created in collaboration with her team! And that includes me!! yipeeeeee!!!
Here’s the cover with Amanda’s wonderful sewing box…
So fun, huh???
and here is my project that is included:
Yay!!!! You too can make this!! And all of the projects in this fabulous book!
Here are a couple of other sneaky peeks from the book:
(awesome quilt by Brooke)
(fun handwork organizer by Stephanie)
{delightful quilt by Jana)
(fantastic travel tote for your crafting needs by Julie)
There are more FABulous projects in there!! I’m not going to give away all of our secrets though…(or you could go to Amanda’s Blog and see her video where she shows all of the project in there! 🙂 )
Go here to purchase your copy!!
Sooooooo fun! I’m so thrilled to be a part of this project! This team is just amazing!
…and if being published in a book isn’t enough for you, Lillian and I are in the latest copy of Where Women Create (Summer issue)…
Page 82…see us in the middle sporting my aprons??? Love that pic! (taken by Megan at Megan Rogers Photography!)
Yep, we’re famous now!
But that doesn’t really preclude us from sweeping and mopping, which I’m off to do this afternoon! Then, some creating! yay!!
I hope your weekend is just as exciting as it is here at Sally’s Angelworks!! ♥