just when you thought I was hooked on fabric (which, of course, I am!!!), I’m about to admit to another addiction!!!
yep, it’s art…
especially this class from Christy Tomlinson’s Art Workshop Series…
I am full fledged entrenched in it!! It’s a three week class that is teaching me that processing life using my fingertips is OKAY!!! I mean, I’ve always processed life through music and other means of creativity (talking, blogging, shouting…etc!!); but this type of art is sorta new for me. Watercoloring? Sketching? Acrylic paints? eeep!!
…and I am loving every minute of it!!
Junelle Jacobson is phenomenal at teaching and sharing her heart! And she’s addicted to sheep, too! (she actually works on a sheep farm!!! and it’s lambing season right now, so RUN to her blog to see the newest lambs!!!) Kindred spirits, right?? I thought so, too!
I hope to share often what I’m creating…including the journey I’m on. And I’m going to start right now.
First of all, we were taught to sketch radishes…teehee…yep, radishes…
the assignment?
draw them in at least 10 different scenes…
The radishes with the sheep are in headband form!! teeheee….
I like to be a little silly, too!
This was my very first work this week. I am getting better…I promise!
I also have learned that I really love to recreate what Junelle is drawing, maybe changing a couple of little things, but mimicking so that I can learn every technique. Once I’ve gotten the techniques down, I will jump out into the wild and come up with my own ideas…
That being said, the next assignment was to do owls…
I LOVE these!! I’m going to let my fam pic which ones they are!! I wrote the words “love, joy, life on the top branch, and “hope, peace, adventure” on the bottom branch. These guys are so fun!!
Then I did (3 times changing my type of paper each time!) these cupcakes!
The words I put under the cupcakes are “sweet, sublime, bliss”!
This is so fun!! Do you think we can just say that school is finished this year??? I think I’m going to be busy in the craft studio for a while!!!
You’d be inspire to create with a little friend like this in your craft studio.
Speaking of sheep, Junelle has a video showing how to sketch sheep over on this fun blog here! (Wasn’t this post written just for me????)
So, I took the challenge…again with the copying, but you have to learn somehow, right???
My goal with this class really is to be able to create better quality art. All around.
As a matter of fact, in the middle of practicing all of this sketching, I, with my darling friend, Brooke, created this fun little quilt for Julie’s newsletter (which will be out tomorrow!!!! eeeek! Quick! Sign up for it so you don’t miss this FREE PATTERN!!!) over at the Intrepid Thread!
Brooke sent me the beginnings of the table topper, and I designed the little applique pattern and text and finished it up. So fun!!! Don’t forget to get that newsletter so you can make one, too!!
BTW, have you seen Julie’s new shop???? whoa! So purely awesome!! I had to check out her shopping cart process, of course, and I got this with fun pressies, too!!
It’s awesome to have more confidence to create. Not losing sight from where my creativity comes from, I long to share hope with others! What better way than through art?
Another example of my wild abandoment was that on Monday, while sketching all day, I was completely inspired to finish writing two songs!! I hope to be able to share them soon! (I love it when the band collaborates and tweaks my creations!! LOL!)
I have a lot more to share with you, but I’ll keep it for another day. My computer is back at the doctor’s (ie, geek squad at best buy…sigh), so my posting is a little haphazard.
Sometimes it’s good to just really live in the moment and document later!
blessings to you and yours tonight!!! ♥♥♥
great blog, I came over from art of wild abandonment I love love love your little sewing buddy. I’m going to look around Nice to meet you!
I’ve been thinking about learning how to sketch better, too! I’m very unreliable with drawing instruments. Sometimes they turn out great, other times, they’re flat. Or just plain stinky. Your work is looking pretty sweet, though! Keep at it! 🙂
You are so very talented!!! 🙂
I think we might have the same sewing machine! Janome 6500?
Your new projects are incredible!!!! I love the table topper that you and Brooke put together =D