
Happy Monday, everyone!!!

Ohhhh last week I had a bunch of inspiration, but I was sort of in a blah mood. I attribute it to new blood pressure meds…but that’s another story! LOL!! 

This week I have my wildness back (and I attribute that to the Brighton Players Theater Workshop last Saturday!! LOL!!) and I am ready to start and finish new and old projects this week!! 

Have you made your crafting list for this week? I haven’t either, but I’m about to! I did do my meal plan, and I started my grocery list! Ohh life is great here!!


I’m still on track with at least one quilt a week so far in 2012! yipeeee!! And this week it was close, but I just made it in time for my own deadline (last night!! teehee!!).

{here’s what I started with…}

I was planning on submitting this for the Tangerine Tango challenge on Flickr, but I had a 10 year old who needed celebrating all weekend. So I didn’t really finish this until last night which was two days late…oh well, no stress!! That’s the beauty of this life! You decide your deadlines and your stress level! Mine is going to be low this year!!

and here is the finished quilt…


and some close-ups…


The scripture is a morphed version of Psalm 1:1-3…

1 Blessed is the one 
   who does not walk in step with the wicked 
or stand in the way that sinners take 
   or sit in the company of mockers, 
2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, 
   and who meditates on his law day and night. 
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, 
   which yields its fruit in season 
and whose leaf does not wither— 
   whatever they do prospers.

Yep, I morphed it a bit! 

I have to share with you my inspiration…

This quilt here by April two-eighty really spoke to me!!! So I altered it a bit (because some days I just don’t want to have to do math that intensely!!) and came up with my own version!!

I also have this book here by Aimee Ray that has a scrapbook cover pattern in it with trees embroidered on it. When I was looking for something to draw in the middle of this quilt and embroider, I could not get these images out of my head…thus the trees scripture!


I did a combination of machine quilting (thread painting) and hand embroidery…



I wanted to accent the words “whose leaf does not wither” on the quilt…what better way than use white! LOL!!


These altered 9-patch blocks were a fun result of my nutty math issues with this quilt. I don’t usually have math issues, but I took a long haitus in between doing the different blocks and didn’t do the sizing right. I love the result…Serendipity is always fun, isn’t it?

I quilted it very simply…diagonal lines all over.



So fun!!! Love that orange and grey combo!!


So last week, I also did a little shopping…

First of all, there is a local quilt shop by my dentist, and after my partial crown last week, I thought I’d treat myself…


I am in love with Bonnie and Camille’s Ruby…


a jelly roll is just what I need to finish up my fat quarter pack of this!! 🙂

Then on the 29th, my other LQS that is right next to my church had a 29% sale…

I needed a little bit more of the charcoal Kona solid…and I cannot get away from the solids!!!

So yummmmmy!!

Then my middle daughter, Emma had a gift card to the Art Supply store…well, I just could not pass these journals up!! And the pens are soooo scrumptious!!!!


Did I mention I was taking an art class online starting March 12th called “The Art of Wild Abandoment“? Sounds just like me, doesn’t it??????

can’t wait!!!!


SO we also had a couple of get togethers two weekends ago. On Saturday, we had 22 high school girlies come over for a spot of tea, a little worship, devotional, and finished off with Pride and Prejudice (the 2-hr Kiera Knightly one…Swoon!). It was delightful to see these girlies all dressed up and take care of everything themselves!! And the food was DELICIOUS!!!
Here are some shots I took…






It was sooo fun!!!

Then on Sunday night, the ladies of our church got together and had a night of learning about finances…but more about the fact that God will take care of us!! Not that we are supposed to just sit around and wait for money to drop from heaven, but that we are to ask Him for wisdom on how to give, get, manage and enjoy money!


Using these fun fabrics from Bari J’s Paris Apartment line, I whipped up some little coin purses altering this pattern here!



the front with Baker’s Twine! fun!


the back with a VERY inspirational scripture!!


The inside…with chocolate coins our pastor’s wife, Pat bought us!!


and she reminded me…even our money says “In God we trust!!” yep, I sure do!!


Closing it back up…so fun!!

It was a wonderful weekend…


This past weekend, we really celebrated my darling Lillian’s birthday! If you want to see the videos with her story in them, go HERE to my YouTube channel!! You’ll be able to tell which ones are about her! LOL!! The Part 1 is her telling her wild story, and Part 2 is me telling it to her. It’s fun to hear her reactions to different aspects of it! 🙂


Here she is at the Houston Museum of Natural Science enjoying all of the crystal! (I think she was more excited about it than she looks!! LOL!!)

 It was a wonderful weekend filled with Lillian-fest!! ♥


What other up and coming projects can I give you sneaky peeks of???

My darling friend, Brooke, who has an awesome tutorial up on Riley Blake’s Cutting Corners today, sent me the beginnings of two fun projects! Here are a couple of sneaky peeks!



Ohhh you can’t get any sneakier, huh???

Be sure you are signed up for Julie’s newsletter over at the Intrepid Thread so you can get the patterns to these little projects this month!!


Here’s a little something I am working on this afternoon…it’s a super secret project! But I’ll tell you, I’m super dee duper excited about it!!!!



And I know that I’ve shown you this before, but it’s the oxygen thing for me…you know how you have to put the oxygen on yourself before you put the mask on your child if you need it on the plane? Well, this week, I’m going to be making myself a little something out of these fabrics…


…using this book…


Can’t wait!!!!!!

I hope your week is filled with lots and lots of wildness and beauty and creativity!!!

I’m off to drive the ’70 Mustang Convertible to pick up my oldest from her class…wind through my hair…smell that beautiful air all around me…life is good…

hey, it must be MONDAY!!! 🙂

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