Yep, she’s 10 today!!!!!Â
A decade since she was born…
and ohhhhhh, what a wild day that was!!!
Short version???? (trust me, this is the short version!) LOL!!
While in labor, my uterus ruptured and she was born into my abdomen. So when they pulled her out during an emergency c-section, she was completely dead! No heartbeat, no blood pressure…Apgar of 0!!!
So the neonatologist put a breathing tube in and called for life flight to come and bring her to a hospital that was running a clinical trial…
This is very cool…this trial proved that hypothermia can be used to stop the brain from seizing, thus limiting brain damage after loss of oxygen!! Lil was privileged to be on that trial! (in the pic above, she is on that cooling blanket…her core temp was 92degrees F!! wow!)
After being on that for 3 days, she started to wake up. It took her a week and a half to get off of the ventilator and breathe on her own. But after she could breathe on her own, she didn’t have any organ failure problem again! Her heart beat was steady, her breathing, perfect!!
She did have trouble swallowing…(the yellow tube above is a feeding tube!) SO we decided we could take her home and tube feed her. We did that for a year!!! and on her first birthday, she ate her first food! Birthday cake!!! yay!!
It didn’t take her long to talk…all of my kiddos are early talkers…it did take a her a while to walk, and with the help of PT and OT she did walk on her own at 3.5yrs old.Â
Now she does gymnastics, plays A LOT!, and excels in school (even though she told me yesterday that Netflix was her favorite thing ever!!)
At first, it was challenging 10 years ago…but ohhhhh so worth it. I’m thrilled to be able to tell her miraculous story to everyone that will listen!!! (I’m hoping to upload a video of her tonight! so fun!!!) If you want to read more about the miracles, the nitty gritty, our wildness on that day 10 years ago, go to her web site:
In honor of Lil’s 10th birthday, I’m giving away a 10$ gift certificate to Julie’s store, the Intrepid Thread! Yay!!!Â
All you need to do is comment here on this post! And for an extra entry, you can follow me on FB and leave another comment! double yay!!! If you are not a fabric-a-holic, like me, we can donate that 10$ to Julie’s charity that she supports; Heartline~ I love it!!
Happy birthday, Lil!! I love you, sweet ten year old!!
Congratulations, she is a beautiful angel
Congrats. Happy Bday Lil.Double digits now,,driver’s license & dating are far off now Mom LOL
What a story. Happy Birthday, Lil.
What a miracle baby! Happy Birthday, Lil!
Congrats! And happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to your sweet miracle, Lil. What an amazing story! God is in the miracle business and putting the right people in the right place at the right time!
Follow you on facebook
This is a wonderful and inspiring story! I’m glad I clicked over here from The Intrepid Thread blog. Wow! Happy 10th Birthday to Lillian! Thanks for the birthday giveaway!
Oh goodness, that is quite the story! I was just thinking what would it feel like to get all of my kiddos into double digits? I can’t even imagine. One thing at a time, right? (Got to get them past the diaper stage, first!!!) Blessings to you all! 🙂 C
Oh my goodness, what a dramatic entrance! Lucky for those clinical trials, eh? Whew! Happy Tenth Birthday to BIG Lillian! And thanks for sharing the day!
Oh my goodness and I thought my girls made quite the entrance!!!!
She has such a pretty smile and beautiful eyes!!!!
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIL!!!! Netflix is pretty cool!!!! And Cake is good, what a wonderful first food.
My daughter is going to nursing school and I am going to share her story!!!
Sending happy, happy birthday wishes and prayers!!!
I follow you on facebook!!!
What a wonderful story! Tell Lil happy birthday for us!
I already follow you on Facebook
Happy 10th birthday Lil!!!!
I’m in total ‘Like’ with you on FB
An amazing story! Happy Birthday Lil!
Wow—I had tears in my eyes reading this miraculous story! I am so glad your Dr. was on the ball and knew about the trial! What an amazing story and a beautiful young lady!
Happy Birthday, Lil!!!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!
Happy Birthday to your little miracle. Congratulations to you. Amazing what modern medicine can do. Thanks for the give away.
I also liked you on FB–then discovered those adorable penguin munchies! My nephew is in love with penguins right now–so I had to send that link off to my mom and my sister.
Happy Birthday, Lil! My nephew Luke turned 10 yesterday, what a great age to be!
Happy birthday, Lil!! Your story gave me chill bumps– which is my common reaction to reading or hearing stories that are so moving… What a precious little baby she was, and what at lovely young woman she is becoming… 🙂
I do like Sally’s Angelworks on Facebook. 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win! 🙂
it is amazing what dr. and god can do
What a wonderful story! Lil, you are a sweet, precious girl.
She’s definitely a miracle baby! Happy birthday to your daughter.
And oh, I liked you on facebook. 🙂
Your beautiful daughter is truly a miracle! Happy Birthday double digits!
Happy birthday! That must have been terrifying for you… so glad that everything worked out!
I just liked you on Facebook!
Happy Birthday and many blessings! God Bless.
Happy Birthday!!! You have truly been blessed.
So glad they had that available to help her.
I already follow on FB
Your story always gives me shivers and chills. Brings a tear to my eye. I am so happy for you all. What a little fighter she is. Much love!
Wow that must have been scary! I remember the fear I felt when my little guy`s heart rate dropped and they had to do an emergency c-section. Luckily, once they got him out, he was fine. The joy these little ones bring to our lives make it all worthwhile!! Happy birthday to your sweet girl! 🙂
That is such a sweet & heartwarming story. It must have been so difficult to get through but I’m sure your girl is even more precious to you after her fight for life.
Happy Birthday to Lil. What a beautiful child she is. And a miracle to boot! God Bless.
I now follow your blog.
Definitely a miracle! God is so good! Happy Birthday Lil!
I already like you on Facebook. 🙂
Blessings to Lil for her Birthday and to your family. A loved one of mine had similar treatment for a traumatic brain injury. Miracle children are wonderful blessings to their families.
Happy Birthday to your very special daughter! I clicked over from Intrepid Thread and enjoyed my visit.
All babies are miracles, but especially your Miss Lillian! Birthdays are a time for remembering…and marvelling… at how these little ones have grown and changed and how they have forced us to grow and change along with them!
Happy BIrthday Spikey! I love you!
Amazing story – thanks for sharing. I can’t imagine how difficult a time that must have been for you. Wow. God is Good!
What a wonderful, heartwarming story about your miracle. You are so blessed!
Happy Birthday Lil!!
Such and amazing story. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for a great giveaway! Have a Wonderful Weekend! 🙂
I’m following you on facebook! 🙂
Happy Birthday! If I win, its donated and i’ll match it 🙂
Hope she had a fabulous day!
Happy Birthday beautful blessing “Lil”. She is so precious. A blessing from God. My son was the same way.
Enjoy every moment. I love your website. So talented. Thanks for the sharing.
Gods’ Blessings.