Ohhhh it’s Friday, people!!! Yay!!! Are you wearing your party hat? Have you made your party hat? (spoken like a true crafter, huh?)
(btw, make sure you read all the way to the end…there is a GIVEAWAY on here!! with multiple chances to win!!)
The above photo is a sneaky peek of a Valentine that I’m making for a swap…Thanks to my darling friend, Brooke, who blessed me with a fantastic package last week that included a few of these products!! 🙂 (love that girlie!)
What do you think of the elephants??? you are going to love this shirt I made Wednesday!! (I’m waiting until Sunday for the big reveal…it’s a little bit dressy! :)) I adore the way it came out. It actually encouraged me to sew more for myself!!! 🙂 How fun is that?
How is your Tangerine Tango Challenge coming?? Mine is awesome…I love these blocks!! (yes, I am a HUGE orange fan! wtg, Pantone!) Next for me? 9-patch blocks…Sigh…i love quilting!
Are you ready for the Fun Friday Video??? Before I share it with you, I want to show you how I debunked one of the issues of the Big Shot Pro…and that is the space it takes up!!!
When we got new floors put in, I rearranged my whole craft studio…I’m still moving things around, but one thing that I found was this space under my big crafting table. Because it’s wood laminate flooring, everything that is put on it has to have little felties on the bottom of it. So, I just happened to have a little side table that no one wanted for themselves, and it just happened to fit the Big Shot Pro exactly!!! And it also just happened to fit into this little wonderful space under my craft table!
(ignore the fact that the back of the table is open…actually, it makes it super easy to access all of my wrapping supplies for sending my products! 🙂 Love!!) Isn’t it cool how it fits perfectly in there?
And you can pull it out so easily!
and check this out…
I have this awesome curtain that covers up all of the mess (organized mess, thank you very much!!) under the table!!
So here is my video introduction to the Big Shot…make sure your volume isn’t too loud! The music I use in all of my videos is all original music from my band, Brazos River Turnaround!! yay!
Now that you’ve seen the Big Shot Pro in action (thank you, Emma!!), let me share a couple of things that you may be wondering!!
Here’s another closeup before quilting…
These are Bigz Dies…
This is what Sizzlets look like…thin and for paper! 🙂 and so fun! (I’d show you ones from my craft studio, but I gave them all to my mom!! teeheee!!)
The birdie/bird cage die I used was the same that I used for the Heat therapy pillow I made for the Art Gallery Project 2012!
These next two pics show why I bought the Sizzix Big Shot Pro. I had the regular Big Shot, but I wanted to be able to use the extra big dies…like these…
The big circle die…I put the scissors in there so you could see how big it was!! 🙂
I love this die!!! It’s a 2.5″ strip die…and I’ve used it to make my own jelly rolls. LOVE!!
And look what Sizzix has come up with for quilters…
Two fun dies that I can’t wait to use!! 🙂 You will see these patterns showing up in my quilts soon!!
And this sweet little quilt before binding, but after quilting!!
btw, I have to tell you that when I ordered this particular pack of fabric from Julie over at the Intrepid Thread, she put those two little charm squares of Sugar Hill by Tanya Whelan into my package!! Now, I may have to go buy this fabulous pack because she has hooked me and because it’s on super sale!! (yep, my darling friend Julie is truly my dealer!!)
I FMQed using a heart pattern…I’m still practicing, and boy, is it fun!!
Check out what I have for you!!
2 Templates from The Crafters Workshop, 8 hexie templates, and a 2.5″ charm pack of Aneela Hoey’s A Walk in the Woods!! Yay!!
Here’s what you can do to enter – you can have a total of three entries! Please comment separately for each entry:
1. Comment here…with anything…tell me anything!! Maybe how you loved my Emma in the video or you noticed my new eye shadow in the video, or how you are running out to buy a Big Shot Pro!
2. “Like” my Facebook page!!
3. Retweet this giveaway and make sure you mention @sallykeller814 so I see it and can count it!! 🙂
This giveaway is open until next Thursday, Feb 9th at Midnight CST!! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear from you!
I’m praying that your weekend is super blessed and full of fun and excitement!! For me, I’m writing a pattern, going to a graduation orientation (what??? I’m not old enough to have a child graduating from high school!! eeeek!!), welcoming Mr Gorgeous back into Texas (he’s been in Illinois all week teaching and training), and putting on a SUPERBOWL PARTY!!! You’ll see some football crafting next week on the blog…life is good here at the Kellers!! ♥
How wonderful it would be to own one of those machines! Love the fabrics in your little quilt.
Ok…You and Emma are absolutely adorable!!!!!!!! Adorable!!!! I loved your video! I’ve never seen a Big Shot Pro or any of the other fabric cutters in action…so neat to see how they work!!
I can’t wait to see all of the other projects you’ve been working on =D
Oh man, I would love to buy me some Big Shot Pro!
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My tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/agnethavdk/status/165470966418374658
Yep, Emma is adorable plus I love the name! The machine is wonderful – can’t even imagine how easy some things would be with it. Love your blog.
I love the new fabric cutters…..thank you
What a fantastic video, and Emma’s adorable in it! 🙂
Yep, I like you on FB, too 🙂
I liked you on facebook.
HI Sal, I love this giveaway. Thanks! Great tutorial and I love your Sizzix! The storage container you have to hold it, too. Neat! I have some of those Valentine’s day labels, too. Can’t see what you make.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I already like your FB page! 🙂
Wow, never heard of Big Shot Pro. Great. And lovely video! Great curtain too! Love this idea very much!
I like your use of the elephant fabric! I have some and cannot decide how to use it… oh yeah.. like the looks of the bid shot pro too!
What a great giveaway!
I can’t wait to see your elephant shirt – I love the fabric!!
Thanks for the review of the Big Shot…. on my radar to get! thanks for the great giveaway!
That elephant fabric is great!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/ReefBotanicals/status/165489863024586753
I’m glad I found your blog! I was looking at your Petal Pushers project a few weeks ago and forgot to bookmark you. Lovely aprons too.
(PS Intrepid Thread sent me here today)
I love the “you are loved” embroidery with the birds!
Thanks for this fun giveaway! I have always wanted a Big Shot, I’m a paper crafter as well so it could do double duty in my house. Love the ‘A Walk in the Woods’ fabric, keeping my fingers crossed extra tight!
And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1
What a wonderful giveaway! Crossing fingers!
email: iamlilymunster at gmail dot com
I liked your fb page 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway. https://twitter.com/#!/IamLilyMunster/status/165494239080366080
I love Walk In the Woods. thanks
I would love a big shot pro. I am a new quilter and I am terrible at cutting even squares. T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E! Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow fantastic giveaway, I quite fancy doing something with hexagons and templates might get me started!
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I think you did an excellent job with the heart fmq! I think also that your mini quilt is just precious. Thanks for sharing about the Big Shot… i gotta look into that!
I liked your facebook page!
I would love to win this giveaway. You are so generous.
I would love to try the hexies. I am trying all kinds of
new things this year, and would love to add them to my list.
I love how you have your wrapping supplies so handy. Nice!
I’ve never seen any of the cutters up close and personal. I hope to soon!
Emma is just adorable. Reminds me of the days with my little Danielle (she is 25 now). Wow, I do love the Big Shot. Have a great weekend!
Awesome video – a great way to be introduced to a fun new tool I hadn’t heard about yet. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I love the paper towel roll in your little hide-a-way! Plus the color purple on the Big Shot Pro is yummy! I had never heard of it, but I am sure it will do the job. Love your FB page, too!
I like u on FB
I *hope* i’ve retweeted it properly 🙂
Ive just ordered a big shot (not the pro unfortunately) but i’m so excited by what these machines can do and I REALLY want the new quilting dies 🙂
I thought sizzix was just for paper. Now I know. Thanks for the chance to win!
I tweeted about this giveaway.
Your Emma is a very sweet girl! Thank you and her for the instructional video.
I follow you on facebook.
Great video. Emma is a wonderful helper!!
The Sizzix is amazing! Fan4may at aol dot com
I “like” your Facebook page!!
Great blog post…… dig the music x
I’ll bet those elephants will look fantastic! Everyone will so want a shirt just like it! I look forward to seeing it myself.
I would love to own one of these machines, but that is not in the picture for me. Love the stuff you can do with it!
love that fabric so bright
What a great giveaway! I have the Big Shot and love using it!
oh my goodness gracious- I’d go loopy for those hexies and tiny charm pack 🙂 so cute!
I love Tina Givens prints… I bought a bunch of fat quarters in hopes to make a quilt but am having difficulty because most of the prints are large scale. I should have just stuck to my favorite prints and made beautiful clothing. G
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…tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet…
I’d like to enter!
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Your Emma is really cute in your video. I didn’t know you could do a bunch of dies at once with the machine. Pretty cool.
Well this is a great giveaway! Everything that I could use right now! Thank you for a chance!
i can’t wait to see the elephant shirt!
i “like” your FB page!
What a beautiful little giveaway. 😀
Wow, very jealous of the Big Shot! What fun you, and your daughter, must have.
Thanks for the peak at your studio
Liked on facebook
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. I enjoyed the photos of your studio and how to store the Big Shot Pro. Just the name of the cutter is intimidating yet like that it can cut larger pieces. As I don’t own a die cutter machine, this was a helpful post.
alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dottie)com
If I turned my kids loose with one of those, every single scrap of fabric in my stash would get cut up. Not that it would be a bad thing, you know….
Oh, that tiny little charm pack! That’s about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you for the chance to win, and thanks also (to Emma too) for demonstrating how the Big Shot works.
First time on your blog – very fun. Great demo – I didn’t know you could cut fabric with the Big Shot Pro. Your daughter’s adorable!
Like you on Facebook!
adorable, generous, hopeful!!!!thanks
Thanks for the tutorial and giveaway! I’m totally seeing a Big Shot Pro in my future!
I liked your Facebook page 🙂
I tweeted about your giveaway 🙂
I liked your FB page and left a comment – look for the butterfly avatar Margaret and Marcia alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dottie)com
Oh my! What a wonderful machine…I’d love to try it out! I love the birdcages!
Wow a machine like that would make cutting fabric a lot easier!
I liked you on fb!
I love your “you are loved” stitchery….so sweet! I think I shall go and click on the linkie for your band, so I can hear more! LOL
Can’t wait to see your elephant shirt!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I like you on FB 🙂
Great giveaway! I love “A Walk in the Woods”!!
I love the sweet ‘You are loved’ quilt!
I like you on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes!
Love the giveaway. Thank you.
I like you on facebook.
I tweeted about this giveaway.
Ooo so many goodies! 🙂 I like the bird and the cage too.
That looks like a really useful wee machine.
I already like your FB page
Thanks for the great video and giveaway.
I liked your Facebook page.
Great giveaway. And that looks like a fun machine. I have always wanted one of those mini charm packs. Thank you for the chance.
I got the Sizzix when it first came out(many moons ago) I haven’t seen the Big Shot Pro until your video. Great job demonstrating how to use it. And your assistant was very helpful (besides being the sweetest girl).
I went to your Facebook page and clicked ‘like’!
I tweeted. 🙂
I thought your video was great – full of detail and an adorable daughter! I love that she’s old enough to be able to help with your tutorial. How fun for her!!
Honestly, the Sizzix dies look just like the dies for the AccuQuilt and I wonder if they’re interchangeable….?
I liked your FB page. You’re up over the 200 hump – congrats!! 🙂
That Big Shot Pro is huge! Didn’t know they made them that big.
I like you on FB.
and I tweeted. (@byronmagoo)
and I am so glad to read abou the big shot pro as I am in the market for a die cutter.
Thanks for all the info about the cutter. I have a GoBaby and I love it but I would love a paper cutter – don’t want to use the GoBaby for paper.
I tweeted 🙂 @BBISCUIT77
I liked your facebook page!!
I love the apple core die cut. I desperately want to make a apple core quilt. Maybe the the 2.5″ charm pack of A Walk in the Woods is just the thing to get me started 🙂
What a great tute! your daughter is adorable=)
This was a really fun post!
nrbird at gmail.com
Thanks for introducing me to the Big Shot Pro!
Big shot Pro would definitely make some things quicker…super video too…thankyou for the giveaway
Hi there,
Excellent video, thanks heaps
Like you on facebook, Thanks again
Cool tool! Loves the action. Haha.
I liked your FB page.
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/166015895448199170
OMG that machine is awesome I just might buy it and I know what you mean when your things can get very messy sometimes the same thing has been happening to me a lot your crafts are very beautiful and thanks for this giveaway!Can’t believe the Sizzix can cut paper cranking that thing looks very hard.I love your eye makeup too.
I liked your facebook page too!! 😀
Thank you for reminding me about who I am to relinquish my control to. Blessings!
I am a first time visitor for this site. I liked your FB page…You got lovely photos of your project out there.. I dont use twitter.. But will try out this time…
For me Valentines Day is very special as we have a defined occasion to re-look at our love.. a time to celebrate our love and make it even more memorable than each day that we share together.
Valentines day is also a time to gift what my special lady wants.. And also about excitement of getting something back ribboned with love. For many it might seem a simple task of going to a shop and buying what we need. But for us, it is more than that.. We try to give a personal touch to whatever we gift…
Let me give some examples… In one of the past Valentines Day, we made a treasure hunt.. each gift we find out at home, will have clue to the location of the next gift… Another occasion, we thought of getting gifts which has some link(or remembrance) of our loved ones in the family… Sometimes, it were a compilation of old songs that she loves listening, recorded on a single DVD… sometimes, it were a compilation of photos of us together at different locations we visited after we met…
This time, its going to be different… I wish to win a gift for her.. and I am trying to give my best in several contests running on the occasion of Valentines Day.. If I win here, I am sure, she is going to love the giveaways you have on offer!! Fingers crossed!!
Was at the Olympic Oval watching a track meet this weekend. Salt Lake and Utah is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games and the arena( where the speed skating was held) was decorated with Olympic flags to remind us. I mentioned that I had volunteered for the Olympics, moved to SLC for 2 weeks and had a wonderful time. The woman I was talking to said she was a freshman at the U of U that year and remembered school was out for those 2 weeks so the athletics could use the housing and much of the campus. Made me feel old, but the memories are still fresh!. Thanks for the giveaway.
thanks for this chance. I found you via the intrepid thread and i had never heard of the “big shot pro” before reading your post.
I’d love a Big Shot Pro. And thanks for the giveaway chance. 🙂
I like you on FB.
I Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/166523833229123586
Love your video! So cute – the company should give you a kickback for all you’re going to sell for them 😉
Great video and love that Big Shot. This is the first time I’ve seen it. Emma is a cutie!
I liked you on facebook.
Give-aways are so much fun – I should win this as your end date is my birthday!
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Love this giveaway! Sweet little quilt by the way.
I think the elephant fabric will make a nice shirt. What pattern is that?
I tweeted the giveaway:
What great fun to do a video with your daughter. Please tell Emma she did great and has a beautiful smile! The Big Shot Pro looked easy and fast. A great help to cut those shapes. I also love your hanging hearts with angel wings. How clever!
Thank you for your giveaway and a chance to win.
I already Liked you on FB, and still do. hehe.
Thanks again for your giveaway and a chance to win.
I tweeted about your giveaway. (@usairdoll)
Thanks again for a chance to win.