
Happy Friday, everyone!!! 

Have you had a good productive week???? I have…it’s been crazy busy!!

But today, I can just relax and catch up on my house cleaning! (yep, after this week, house cleaning will be relaxing!! LOL!!!)

First of all today, I want to share a couple of tutorials I put up this week.  

You’ve already seen my Funky Wonky Barn Quilt for Project Quilting over at Julie’s Blog. 


Today, I posted a fun new pin cushion tutorial over at Riley Blake’s Cutting Corners blog! Yay!


Go check out how to make this right here!!!

Here’s another version using Amanda’s Sweet Divinity fabric (i’m still in LOVE with this fabric!! eeeep!!)



I am loving this pin cushion!!!! 🙂


And yesterday, I posted a quick tip on how to use photoshop and clipping photo masks over at the O Blog! So fun!!!


See step by step how to create this LO!! 🙂 fun!!


and today, we participated in this art project…


with Art House Gallery and Studio!

Here are my pictures from our meal at 12pm EST today…

(11am in our house means breakfast = scones and coffee!)







Here’s what Art House said about this project:

“Nothing makes us feel connected quite like sharing a meal together. On February 24th at 12pm Eastern Standard Time, thousands of strangers from around the world will sit down for a bite in unison and capture a shared experience at the exact same time. Take a photograph of yourself with your meal and mail it back to us. These simultaneous snapshots – self-portraits of people and their foods – will be exhibited in our storefront project space and made available online. Our aim is to inspire a feeling of community across geographic and cultural boundaries. So wherever you may be on February 24th at 12pm, keep your camera handy and something delicious nearby – and remember that thousands of strangers, both near and far, are sharing that meal with you.”

So, when my kids and I sat down to eat, we talked about being hungry…I got all of the usual comments…”I’m always hungry” … “There’s never anything I like in the pantry”… “I like to eat!” and so on. I asked them what if their dad was out of work and we had to struggle to pay for food. It was really a hard concept to grasp. We are so blessed. But hopefully, it helped them to not take our food for granted. 

We also talked about when Emma went with the middle schoolers to prepare lunches for underprivileged kids at Lunches of Love. She described what she did (“I put pretzels in baggies” “I worked on an assembly line pushing lunch bags down the line” and so forth). And I explained that even children in our own area don’t get regular lunches like my kids do and have to go to charities to get food. 

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own worlds, we forget about the whole global community. I’m excited to print out our picture of our meal and send it to Art House for its art exhibit! What a fun way to come together at one moment in time!! 

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; 
   blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Ps 34:8


Happy Friday everyone!!! I’m off to clean up my house! yay for the mundane comforting experiences, too!! 

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