
Welcome to Fun Fridays here at Sally’s Angelworks! I love Fridays…almost as much as Mondays!! 🙂 And today, I have a lot to share with you!! Most of it on a video…teeheee…

First of all, are you familiar with Ali Edward’s One Little Word (OLW) class over at Big Picture Classes? She encourages everyone to pick a word and meditate on that word throughout the year, and she teaches you how to capture it through art. I know there are skeptics out there, but let me quickly share my experience last year with my One Little Word. 


Last year my word was HOPE. It really picked me… it was a concept that permeated my soul! It has actually gotten to the point that I can’t go a day without thinking/meditating on the concept of Hope!! 

So this year, I am not “abandoning” hope…I’m adding the word “Believe” to it. How can I ascribe my word to my life on a daily basis? This is the journey I’m on! And I love it!!!


Here’s the funny thing…I actually painted this gnome before I chose the word…then I was thinking about my One Little Word and this word came to mind. THEN I picked up the gnome and remembered that I had painted it on there!! Wild!!

When you pick a word, you can create reminders all around you! And today, I’m going to show you how to make one…a Mini Memory OLW Quilt!

Here is today’s Fun Friday Video!!

How to create a mini memory quilt by sally’s angelworks:

Isn’t that fun??? Another tip that I didn’t say in the video…you may think you can just start with all three layers, the top, batting and backing, but your stamping will not come out as good if you are stamping on all three layers. So make sure you stamp your word or year before you layer your quilt together!! 🙂


If you want that exact quilt, it’s in the shop HERE!!

If you want your own OLW mini quilt, and you don’t want to make it yourself, you can buy a custom one right here in my shop!! Yay!!! I’m looking forward to make a bunch of these little cuties!!


Besides recording videos and creating cute little memory quilts, I’ve been FINISHING (another word for me this year!! It’s okay for me to have two, right????? Okay, i BELIEVE i will be doing more finishing this year than ever!!! LOL!) some other projects that I’m joining in with!! 🙂

For example, I’m doing the Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL. Just when I can…no stress!! (I promise, mom!!) I’m actually going to combine my blocks with other blocks I did for the Bloggers Blockapalooza last year~ It’s going to be a gorgeous quilt when it’s all done!! 🙂

Here are my first week’s blocks from the Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL:



I’m using a fat quarter pack that I got three Quilt Markets ago…Buttercup by Fig Tree and Co. This may actually end up on my bed…we’ll see. That’s one of my goals for 2012…get my bedroom all redesigned, quilt and all!! 🙂

I also pin-basted three projects that needed to be done by this Saturday! Here are some sneaky peeks of them….

There’s a fun story behind this quilt…I’ll tell it later when I have more time!! 🙂


Be sure and sign up for Julie’s newsletter before this Saturday!! 🙂


And guess what started up again this week????

Project Quilting Season 3!! I”m super excited to be participating again! And I am a sponsor, too!! yay!! So if you are a quilter…get involved! You have a great chance to win a LOT of prizes! Kim’s done a fab job putting this together again!! yay!! 

(this quilt is actually bigger than anything I’ve done for project quilting before, so I’m really really excited about it!!! You’ll see it on Saturday, too!!)

Two out of three are completely quilted, so I’m doing pretty well! I may pull a late nighter binding tonight, but that’s okay…I can sleep in on Saturday!! yipeeeee!!


Let me know what you think about all of this craziness!! I always love comments!! ♥ and Believe you can do whatever you are supposed to do!! I know I can! yay!!


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