
Are you almost ready for the new year????

I almost am!! It’s just that little word “almost” that I’m contending with!! I love to plan and organize and do all of those fun things that one does at the beginning of a “new something”!! 🙂 

This year is no different! But my plans for 2012 are BIG and EXCITING!! 

They include a lot of quilts, a lot of music, a graduating senior, and just all around more love and hope in our house! 

Let me show you a little of what I’m talking about!!

In the very near future, you will see something fantastic made out of these:


and something special for February 14th made out of these:


and this:


some fun monogrammed napkins, anyone?


How about these fabrics paired with this fun pattern?


and a LOT more of these:



So, as I get it together for tomorrow night’s festivities and plan for next year’s frivolities, all of the Kellers wish you a very Happy New Year!! Join me next year in gobs of fun, inspiration and most of HOPE for the best year ever!!!

{our Christmas Eve picture!!}

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