yes, can you believe it? it’s day 7 which means we have 6 days before Christmas arrives!! eeeek!! Are you done with your Christmas crafting? your shopping? I have to answer no to both of those!!!
So today’s tutorial is a collection of fun ideas for kitchen-themed gifts! Who doesn’t love a little kitchen inspiration??? First of all, goodies…You need to make some tasty goodies for your friends, teachers, or hostess gifts!!
Here’s a clever idea for a yummy seasonal treat:
Super easy to do!! Just grab a good box brand that you LOVE (like Ghirardelli!! yummmmm!!), some Peppermint Extract, and cracked peppermint candy and you are good to go!!!
Don’t forget to read the instructions before you start!! This particular box says to mix the wet stuff first and then add the dry…
After you’ve mixed in the dry box mix, add some peppermint extract (a dollop will do!!) and then the crushed peppermint!
Ohhhhh, I am loving this fun glass brownie pan…perfect!!!
Santa was helping me check the readiness of the brownies!! To do that, just stick a toothpick in the center to see if it comes out clean! If it does, pull them out!!!
It took me a bunch of toothpicks to finally finish baking these gorgeous brownies!!
Can’t you just smell the minty yummminess????
Now, you need an oven mitt to take those brownies out!! Check these out:
I made this one first…(I’ve been using it quite a bit during the holiday season…especially when I was cooking my turkeys!!)
And here is my second one:
Perfect for your vintage kitchen!!! 🙂
To whip one of these up, go HERE to Amanda’s blog to download the tutorial!
How fun is that??? Wouldn’t they look fabulous on top of a pan of brownies for your daughter’s piano teacher? or your son’s cello teacher?
And what about dishtowels??
Here is a fun quick tutorial on embellishing dishtowels!!
When I had my big Delighted launch party here on the blog, I had a number of winners that won little pin cushion kits. Crazily, I got all wrapped up in the Thanksgiving season and didn’t get those little gifties out until after Thanksgiving!! eeeeep! So, in order to thank all of my lovely winners, I included a fat quarter of vintage Christmas fabric in with their gifties! I love this sweet fabric, and I bought some for me, too!! Here’s one idea that I did using this fun “postcard-type” fabric and dishtowels I got from IKEA for 4$ for 12!!! wow!
To do this fast fun project, you’ll need fusible web (like Heat N Bond Lite) and Sulky’s Tear Away stabilizer…love that!
There are a several of ways you can do this! I’ll show you two! Cut out one of the panels. Use a rotary cutter to create straight edges!
Place fusible web on the back (wrong) side of the panel.
Iron it onto your dishtowel.
Before you zigzag around your panel, pin stabilizer on the back side of your dishtowel right behind your panel!
zigzag around your panel (TIP: use a tighter stitch than I used here so when you tear the stabilizer out, you won’t pull out the stitches!!)
rip a little bit out of the middle of the back of the panel and then tear it all off of your dishtowel! (notice my stitches are tighter!)
Here’s another way to do this…
Cut out three panels in one grouping!
When you are ironing your panels onto your dishtowel, measure each side to make sure you are centering your panel.
Pin your stabilizer on the back!
Zigzag around your panel!
tear your stabilizer off!
This is what the back looks like after the stabilizer is off! Nice and clean and ready to go!
What if you didn’t measure???
Here’s a fun way to center it all…add some stamping!!!
stamp your words on the left side of your panel…
and your final project on the oven door!!!
I just love these panels!!! and I love the vintage Christmas they bring to my kitchen!! yay!!!
Let me know if you do any of these tutorials for your kitchen!!!
Best Christmas verse ever!!
{this uses Sue Cummings and Vicki Stegall’s 52 Inspirations {Christmas Inspired} and doodles from the font Pea Deva McQueen}
Did you get enough kitchen inspiration????
I didn’t think so…
because the kitchen wouldn’t be finished unless you had an apron!!!!
So I’ve recently guest posted on other blogs with apron tutorials!! I LOVE aprons!!
Check them out:
Matching Mother-Daughter Sugar and Spice Aprons
and my Promenade apron! Love this flirty apron!!
Check out the tutorial on Julie’s BLOG HERE!!
Aren’t those so fun????
I have to also share a new product I will have in my store starting January 1st!!
It is a custom apron made for you!! All you’ll have to do is go to Julie’s store and pick two fabrics that you absolutely LOVE, and I will get the fabric and make the apron for you!! All for the low price of $20!!! wow!!! It doesn’t get any better than that!!
wait…there is more!!
Starting January 1st, there will be FREE SHIPPING on all items in my store to any US address!! And I will add shipping to other countries, too!! yay!!! How awesome is that????
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post!! OHhhh we have another guest treat for you!! Julie over at the Intrepid Thread will be sharing her tutorial for her secret project that she sneaky peeked over at her blog last week!!!! wooohooooo!!!
Sally, I absolutely love it all! (Eloise might say that too.)
Cute kitchen gifts. The apron is awesome & oven mitt is so practical. They’ll have to go on my To Do list for next Christmas though! Thanks for sharing.
Very cute kitchen gifts. Great way to use panels on the towels.
I’m loving all of your tutorials Sally! Thank you for sharing them =D
Oh, I love peppermint and have to try this recipe! Thanks so much again for all the inspiration. Great gift ideas!
Those dishtowels are super cute! Thanks for sharing a super simple technique.
Thank you for the cute kitchen gifts. I will have to add them to my To Do list. 🙂
Sally, you are so full of good ideas! Inspiration galore. I think Peppermint Brownies sound wonderful.
Great ideas! The oven gloves would be a great last minute gift!
Yum. That’s all I’m going to say!
Great distowels! Thanks for the recipe.
i love the dish towels and beautiful images your used. such a wonderful idea. thanks for sharing them.