

You know what I’m going to say!! YES!! I”m so excited!! Today I get to share a tutorial from my sweet friend, Brooke, from Silly Mama Quilts! She has a fantastic tutorial on how to make this fun Countdown Christmas banner for your mantle. You know I have an affinity for these fun bunting banners!


This is one of my fave fabric lines, too!! Countdown to Christmas by Sweetwater Designs! WTG, Brooke!! It’s sooo fun!! Let’s make it!


Merry Christmas!!!  Brooke here from Silly Mama Quilts blog and etsy shop and today, I am excited to share a new fun Christmas Decoration project with you.  I was thrilled to be included in Sally’s Countdown to Christmas event.  So hope you are ready to begin….

Countdown Christmas Banner


Select some Christmas fabrics and rick rack.

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I chose to work with Sweetwater’s Christmas line.

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I selected 7 different prints.  I cut a 5 inch strip the width of the fabric of each.

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Next I place a piece of batting in between the two layers like this.  I am going to free motion quilt the strip beginning at the open ends and working toward the folded end.

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Do this with the remaining fabrics.

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Now you are ready to cut out your bunting pieces.  I cut a triangle 5 inches wide and the sides are 7 inches long.  I made a pattern out of paper.  I cut out my triangles and then pinked the edges.  You can get about three triangles out of each piece.

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*note – some of my fabrics had wording and I didn’t realize until cutting out the triangles that on one side the wording will be upside down – oh dear!

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So here are all of my banners.

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Next I laid a piece of jumbo rick rack on the floor to begin placing the banners on it.

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My rick rack is 2 yards long.  I decided to work with the black first.

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I laid my banners in a pleasing arrangement on top of the rick rack.  Then I sewed a zigzag stitch over the whole piece.

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 Next I laid the red rick rack over the top and zigzagged again.

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Then since I love Sweetwater’s labels, I added a Christmas label on one of the banners.  I ironed it on and then stitched around it. 

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So there you are a fun banner to add to your Christmas decorations.


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Merry Christmas to one and all!!  I would love to see your banner project too!!!

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Merry Christmas!!


Ohhh Brooke, it’s awesome!!! Thanks sooo much for sharing this with us today!! yipeeee!!!


Here’s a quote I found that is very fun and fitting!! 

{all digital elements from 52 Inspirations {Christmas Inspired} by Sue Cummings and Vicki Stegall at Oscraps}


You must go and check out Brooke’s other tutorials!! She has several on Amanda’s site!

Her latest is gorgeous using Amanda’s Delighted Fabric!!


To see the FREE eMag that I pilfered this picture from, and to see other projects of Brooke’s using Delighted, GO HERE! and you can download the tutorial for this table topper at the end of that post!! yay!!

And if you are signed up for Julie’s newsletter (see her sidebar), she usually has a fun tutorial in each monthly newsletter!! 

Here are some awesome projects that she has for sale right now in her Etsy store!!! So you don’t even need to follow any tutorials!! Run and grab one or all of these!!! (hurry, before I do!!)


Blue Iced Snowflakes table runner


Snowmen Circle Up table runner


Kumari Holiday Circle Table Runner

Isn’t she a genius??

I have the best friends!! 🙂

And to prove that her tutorials are awesome, I’ve followed one and made my own Christmas table runner! (This tutorial came from Julie’s November Intrepid Thread Newsletter. Thanks, Julie and Brooke!!)



I love my dining room…I know…I’m a broken record! But it’s fun to truly be thankful!! 


I chose to just zigzag the edges…no stress, fast finish and a little whimsy in there, too!! 🙂

LOVE!!!! (I grew up with this nativity set…I think my aunt made it out of plaster of paris! fun!!!)


This is made from Khristian A. Howell’s Moroccan Mirage! Soooo gorgeous and it feels like magic!! You can get some in Julie’s store right here!!

Thanks again to Brooke for her wonderful genius tutorials!!

BUT WAIT…she’s not done!!! eeek!!!


When you comment on a 12 days post here, your name is entered in my GRAND PRIZE drawing!! Yay!!! (Maximum entries is 12!! wow!!!)

And today, I’m gonna tell you that if you win, you will win a 20$ GC to BROOKE’s ETSY STORE!!!!! OHHHHHHH WOW!!!!!!!!

If you feel like you just don’t know how you can choose from her wonderful stuff, you can just pick something and send it to me!! teeeeheeee!! I LOVE IT ALL!!!

Thanks, Brooke AGAIN!!! for being a part of my 12 days!! yay!!!!!

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