
Ohhhh I’m sooo excited to introduce sweet Jackie, my darling friend who is also on Amanda’s creative team with me!!! I roped asked her nicely to join my in my 12 days celebration, and she accepted!!

Check out her fun tutorial today!!

Download a printable PDF copy of the tutorial here!

Here’s what we are making:

Finished cards 4


Scraps of fabric in Christmas colours

Blank cards or cardstock

Fusible product like Wonder Under



Sewing machine


Baby GO! or Rotary cutter




Following manufacturer’s instructions, put Wonder Under to the back of the scraps of fabric.  Cut out fun shapes such as Christmas balls, poinsettias, bells, candy canes, snowmen and Christmas trees. 

Card supplies


If you are using cardstock and it is the bigger pages, ie 15” x 15”, fold it in half and then half again.   If it is not blank  cardstock, then just fold so the white side is out and it will work.   To be really thrifty, cut your cardstock in half and fold once so white is on the outside.   If the pattern is too busy in the middle, cut out some white paper in the shape of a bubble or tree and glue on the inside.


Arrange your fused fabric pieces to the outside of your card and iron on.   Take your card to the sewing machine and stitch down in a fun pattern.  Remember to open your card up.   I have a needle set aside just for sewing with paper products as it really dulls the needle quickly.  Clip the threads and either leave the stitches showing on the inside, or cover with paper.  I leave them as the card inevitably ends up in the recyclable bin.

  Finished card 3

You may need to take a fine tipped marker and outline or embellish if you want.  


If you are wanting to do this  as a craft with kids, don’t fuse anything on the back and let them glue the fabric on to the front.   You could also use craft foam as a substitute for fabric, easier to cut for little fingers.  

Finished card 2

Finished card 1

Finished cards 4



Yay!!! Thanks, Jackie, so much for sharing this tutorial with us!!! You still have time to get your Christmas cards out!! What a fun way to make them!

Visit Jackie over at her blog, and see her new dyed fabrics that she is selling in her Etsy store, too!! Scrumptious!!!

Here’s a pic of her fabrics…sooo yummmy!!


 Gorgeous, right??? You can get these fabrics right here!!


Here’s one of my favorite Christmas quotes:


{image from the Vintage Workshop and Amy Barickman}

Check out some of Jackie’s other tutorials that she has posted!!

For example, this very cool quilt!!!

Isn’t that fun??? 

that tutorial is right here!!!

Here is my favorite treat at Christmas time!!!

Treasure Chests!!


and what better way to eat them then with a gorgeous cup of coffee???

very yummy, right???


Ohhhh you NEED this recipe!! It was a 25, 000$ Bake-off Winner way back when!! and yes, it deserved it!!

Here it is…click on it to see it bigger!!


and the frosting? ohhh so yummmy!! I use this frosting recipe with food coloring to decorate my Fourth of July Flag cakes each year!!


{both recipe layouts use Jennifer Labre’s Sugar & Spice kit and add-on from Oscraps}

Ohhhh Let me know if you bake these! We’ve done two batches so far this season…yep, I’m up a bunch of pounds…*sigh*


When you comment on one of these fabulous 12 days posts, you are automatically entered to win my grand prize that I will give out the day after Christmas!!! yay!!!!

Wanna see something from the stack of gifties I have for you??? You’ll have to check back tomorrow!! teeeheeeee!!!

Come back tomorrow when I have a fun tutorial and a FREE PATTERN!!! yipeeeeee!!!  


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