This advent season, I am determined to embrace the little things…every part of it. I know that when I countdown to something, it tends to go faster. This is why kids LOVE advent calendars. Not only does it take less time when you are having fun, but you get to enjoy the journey on the way!!
I actually had this realization that things go a little faster when I count down before I even started counting down!! LOL!!The last few days of November lasted a while for me, which I embraced wholeheartedly!! (I love it when Thanksgiving is early!!!) I knew once December 1st hit, that was it…it was a free fall to Christmas!!! 🙂
{mr gorgeous on his birthday Nov 29th this year…love this pic!!!!}
Each year as I get older, I am also determined not to go really overboard and stress myself out unnecessarily. So far, so good! LOL!! I know we are only on day 3, but hey, enjoy every minute, right??? 🙂 And one of the ways I’m doing this is finishing. Instead of starting new crazy projects, let’s finish the ones we have going!! yay!!!
{yesterday’s guy in my advent calendar!!}
Here’s one for you…
If you missed buying one of my fun custom quilted advent calendars, you can still whip one up for yourself!!
Yesterday I finished up this sweet magnetized advent calendar! so fun!!
Download the FREE tutorial for this magnetized advent calendar!!!
Soooo, are you hungry for some cookies???
Today, I hosted such a FUN cookie exchange!! We had over 10 ladies over to eat, chat and just be merry!! It was super fun and full of marvelous fellowship, christmas cheer and phenomenal recipes!
Do you want to be part of a cookie exchange without all of the fuss?
Check out Day 3 over at Oscraps’ 12 days of Christmas!! How awesome is this? on the same day I hosted an IRL cookie exchange!! I have two recipes I’ll be sharing! Did I mention I’m super excited???
I don’t think you’ve seen enough of my project finishing yet…teeheeee!!
Last Saturday, I called my mom just off the cuff to see what she was doing. She was about to run up to Archivers’, a local scrapbook store. I told her I was in!! I needed some shopping time with my momma!!
Not only did we run into my fellow Etsian, Celia, but we also found a bunch of fun stuff!!!
Here’s my load…
I love printer trays…and the vintage receipt holder…soooo coool!!! and with that purchase, I got this little baggy of goodies from 7gypsies…
and look at these vintage cards??? How could I not buy this???
and last but certainly not least, I saw this JUMBO bottlecap and HAD to have it!!
Remember this pin cushion tutorial video here made by me and Julie??? I had to do it with this bottlecap!!!
I made it with Khristian Howell’s the Woodlands fabric…
I fussy cut the circle with the house in the middle using my new Big Shot Pro and the big circle die!! ohhhhhhh, Heaven!!!!
and here’s the final project!!
Isn’t that squirrel soooooo cute?????
Are you ready for our latest Christmas album?? It should be in online stores by the end of next week!! yay!!!
And our first Christmas concert is tomorrow night! If you are in the Houston area, come and see us!!
Brazos River Turnaround
6:30pm, Sunday, December 4, 2011
St Thomas Presbyterian Church
14100 Memorial Drive, Houston, TX 77079
Hope to see you there!!!
Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter!! I will sending little reminders to you about my 12 days of Christmas postings coming on the 13th! yay!!!
I like your pin cushion.
Thanks, Cecilia!! Isn’t that fabric fun??
oh my goodness!!! You are amazing!!! Hugs to you during Advent!!
The cookie exchange was sooo wonderful, Sally. Thanks for hosting. I must say your house looks amazing. Look forward to hearing all BRT Christmas songs on CD, hint hint. Love you, BFF! .m.
Awww loving this Sally!!! The cookie exchange sounds fab! Hope you had a fabulous concert wish I was there to hear it!!