So I’m due for a calling out…for sure!! 

Everyone knows I’m a little over the top with my committments and with all I do. A lot of people ask how do I do it all?? Well, Mr Gorgeous does the laundry and bathrooms!! and my girlies do all the dishes!! 🙂 And I try to compartmentalize each area I’m involved in. 

Today, though, I want to share a little bit of everything I’m involved with right now! So hold on to your seats!! Here it comes! sally’s true confessions!!


After Quilt Market, I always try to grab my girlies and go to Quilt Festival with my mom. It’s tradition. And this year was no different. Not only that, but my darling mother-in-law got us free tickets to go like she has for the past three years!! so we went for free!! LOVE that!! 🙂 

At Festival, we tend to just run around a little bit and see what we want to see and then take a gander at the quilt show itself and then go home. This year, we went straight to my darling friend Dixie who taught me how to quilt. She works every year at a LQS’s booth, and this year she stood with the Shop Hop quilt and answered questions about the Festival shop hop. 

Dixie is like a third grandma to my kiddos! We’ve known her since the week my oldest was born!!

So fun!!

So at Market, I bit the bullet and bought one of these!!! A Big Shot Pro!! I’m soooo excited about this!! Can’t wait to make my own kits and jelly rolls and stuff!!! 🙂 

 At Festival, I had to take my kids and mom to the Sizzix booth to show the girlies what I got!!


They got to cut some half square triangles! So fun!!!

After we ran around a little looking for things I hadn’t gotten at Market, we went to the winning quilt exhibits!! (disclaimer…cell phone pics! still learning how to get the best shot!!)


That dragon is completely made of thread painting! What??? Pure gorgeousness!!


I wish this weren’t so blurry, but each of those little bitty fruits and veggies were hand appliqued!! 


and in this one, Santa is quilted on this quilt!! Here’s a closeup…don’t konw if you can see it or not, but he has blue eyes!! (below! – look just left of his throne. Click the pic to make it bigger!)


Here are some random shots of quilts i liked in the other exhibits! (sorry I dont’ take notes when snapping pics!! eeek!)








My sweeties!!!! 🙂


So at our church right now, Brighton Church, we have created a new drama group called Brighton Players. Mr Gorgeous and I are the musical directors (really, he is, but I do enough that I’m gonna lump me in there, too!! LOL!!).

We are putting on our first production this weekend!!!


Besides playing the cello in the production and keeping Mr Gorgeous honest throughout the music, I sewed a couple of costumes!! A couple of “real” rabbit costumes!! (I will forever be sneezing faux fur!!!)

I thought you’d want to see my darling baby girl with her “Bunny 2” costume!!!




cute, huh?? It’s nice to occassionally know that I can use a pattern! 🙂 

Along with Lil being Bunny2, my sweet Emma is the boat in the play, Cora is the assistant director, Mr Gorgeous is using his genius piano skills to carry and direct the music, and I will be playing my cello! My darling Quentin will be celebrating his 14th birthday tomorrow, so he was exonerated from acting this time! LOL!! He will probably help take tickets and whatever else needs to be done on Saturday and Sunday. It’s a family affair, for sure!!!

If you are local, come out and see the show!! It’s a fantastic rendition of this book!! The music is just fabulous!!! Mark has done a phenomenal job of writing music that touches the heart and goes perfectly with the story and acting!! Hope to see you there!!!


Along with playing music for the Velveteen Rabbit, Mr Gorgeous and I, along with our band, Brazos River Turnaround, are in rehearsals preparing for our next Christmas Jazz CD!! Did you get the first one???


You can download it on CD Baby HERE!!!

You can download it on iTunes HERE!!!

We will be back in the studio next week recording our next installment!!! And there are some fun takes on traditional Christmas tunes!! And some not so traditional sounds!!! 🙂 But you will LOVE it all, I promise!!

(love this shot of mr g!!)

We also have two local Christmas concerts planned, so be sure to come out and see us if you are local!! yipeeeee!!! (see our blog here!!)


ohhhhhhh, I adore it, you know I do!!! 

I am on the CheeryOs over at Oscraps, and one of our many blessings is that we get to scrap and share new products with everyone!!! I haven’t taken much time to scrap in the last few months, let alone, be cheery at the O, but that has been changing in the last few weeks. 

If you are a digital scrapbooker, or a paper scrapper and want to find an online “hOme”, the O is the place to be!! The family atmosphere is beyond compare!! These girlies with whom I’ve worked for years, are the best friends a girlie can have! 

First, check out the Daily Os!! It’s a daily thread where we just come and be ourselves, and post our do-todays. It’s like Cheers (“NORM!!”) only, online and without most of the beer!! 

Second, check out the store!!! Such amazing products!! and amazing designers!!!

Third, check out the gallery!! Inspirational LOs!! (LOs=layouts)

Of course, you can join in on the challenges!!!

And lastly, we are keeping that O blog hopping!!! So fun!!! Enjoy!!

Here’s my latest LO using the Oscraps latest “Facebook” collab:

A very fun way to document our lives!!! Adore!!!


To keep sane, I love to take a little time here and there for myself. God has given me so many blessings, and I try to often stop and really appreciate my surroundings!!! 

Sometimes I need a time out to just see the pretties of the world…

Here’s what I found yesterday while I was out shopping…

…at Restoration Hardware!! 





{new addiction – linen}



{Cora was Goldilocks trying out all of the seating in the store…this one was Papa Bear’s couch!! LOL!!}


Then a quick stop at Barnes and Noble to get some coffee…


i LOVE LOVE this monster!! (and Cora’s expression here!!) LOL!!


my loot from Barnes and Noble!!! 🙂 I hope to submit to most, if not all of these magazines in the next year!!! So loving the inspiration…

and on to my fave store in the world…I don’t know why, but the artistic hipster nature of this store just makes me happy just to stand in it…anthropologie…




Sheep!!!! *sigh*

wooly reindeer…*sigh*


I want to make a bunch of these trees!!!

You know me and aprons…love!!


Love a good distressed cabinet…


Love a good wool coat…I may actually attempt making one of these this season!!



and my loot from anthropologie…I can’t get out of there without getting a little something something to craft with…


birdie paper clips…love!!


gorgeous red twine for Christmas packages!


and Vintage number stamps…


We moved on to Free People…another love of mine!! Love these hats…I may splurge and go back and get the one on the left…*sigh* love!!!


Then I took Cora to Pier One…just to check out their holiday stuffs…


Wouldn’t those go great with all of that new mushroom fabric stuff that I LOVE???


glass angels! 


Did I mention that i LOVE linen chairs??? May have to take an upholstry class!!!



love this man…

i was showing off my new cheater glasses…teehee..it was dark in the restaurant, but I still think he’s gorgeous!! ♥

and my nieces just turned one!!!

(my brother and Alice)



my mom and Olivia…

totally darling ones!!!

I got a new phone and had to try the front facing camera setting…we are so fun, don’tcha think???


You knew it was coming…yep, I love sheep!!

Why do I love sheep so much?

Because I love my Shepherd so much. And the Word of God says that the sheep will know the voice of the Shepherd. And that voice, according to his Word, is always singing over me!! Can’t you just imagine a shepherd in the field with a gorgeous voice singing to those sheep? This is a truth that I stand upon! And that voice is the provider of all for me, including all of these things that I’ve posted! How exciting is that??? 

For that reason, I love sheep…

my latest sheep…my darling friend Dixie gave me this pin cushion kit for my birthday, and I finally took the time to make it!! (I desperately needed another pin cushion!!)


I hope and pray that you’ll take the time this month to really stop and listen for that sweet voice singing over you!! All you have to do is look around…see the pretties in your life!! Write down your gratitudes daily…ping me on FB and share your blessings! Go and find the thankful thread at Oscraps…or just email me! I’ll tell you how thankful I am that you are my friend!! 🙂 Because I am…

very thankful!!!

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