
(i just love this picture!!)

Yep, I’ve been at it again!! Creating like a crazy woman! And I wanted to share what I’ve been working on…


I went to my LQS (Quilter’s Emporium) with a dear friend, and she picked out these FABULOUS fabrics so I could make a twin quilt for her brother’s bed!! I’m soooo excited about how the top turned out!


Now, you wouldn’t think that we would need a pattern for this simple patchwork, but I grabbed Alicia Paulson’s pattern, Ollalieberry Ice Cream Quilt. It was the perfect pattern to help me not get overwhelmed by this task! With all of the fabric requirements and perfect instructions, it made this top very easy to put together!

My darling friend says she’s hoping her brother hates it so she can bring it back to her house!! I told her that was only if I actually gave it to her! teehee!! 


Check out my new listing in my Etsy store:


It’s fun and picture perfect for the farm girlie in you!! 🙂 




I was going to embroider “the funny farm,” but I thought it wasn’t quite appropriate!! or maybe it was for me!! LOL!!

Grab this OOAK (one of a kind) quilt right here ON SALE this month only!!


I got a little bit of mail this week…


I have loved this line since it came out last year!! I had little scraps of it that came from a kit I bought last year at Fall Quilt Market. So I decided to just whip something up. I love doing that…randomly sewing and seeing where my creativity takes me…


This is what I came up with…a little mini art quilt that needs some applique!! (my design wall is a bit wavy this morning!)

So I decided to get a charm pack to make little shapes to applique in the white blocks! You can bet there’ll be some embroidery on there, too!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the finished project!


I also got a little sweet package from Amanda!!


Now, bottlecaps? you are asking? Stay tuned here for a very fun party that launches on October 16th, and you will find out all about the bottlecap fun!! yay!!

And I get to create something very special with her pattern, “We’re all MAD here”!! I can’t wait!! Be sure to follow me here to find out my little secret project plan that I have for this pattern!! yipeeeeee!!


a couple more picture teases!!

This is coming along…isn’t that just the best?? Nothing better than gorgeous fabric, a new embroidery hoop, and a new skein of thread…*sigh* I’m very THANKFUL!!! 🙂 (*snicker*)


…and, nope, much to my children’s chagrin, I’m not doing dishes!! (they are!) But I am using this for something VERY special!!! 🙂 Stay tuned to find out what!!! 🙂

Have a blessed day!!!

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared,  he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,  whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior,  so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.   Titus 3:4-7

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