{isn’t my new blog button cute??}
Tonight, I have two big things to tell you!!
I’m sooo super excited (and this isn’t any caffeine talkin’…I’m strictly on sparkling water right now!!!) about two things going on in my store right now!!
1. This month’s theme: SHEEP!!!
Are you surprised??? Nah, I didn’t think you would be!!
Basically, what that means is that everything that I’ve listed that has a sheep on it is 15% off!! wow!!!
Right now, I have three mini quilts listed, but keep checking back, because I have some stuffies patterns of sheep and some little bags with sheep on them in the works!! You will want to grab these products asap, because in October, they are back to their original price (if they aren’t sold by then!! yikes!!)
Here are the three quilts I have listed!
Sweet Nursery Sheep Mini Art Quilt with Vintage buttons!!
Sweet Sheep Baby Wall Hanging Art Quilt
Check back to this category, Put a SHEEP on it, often to see what other sheep creations I have created!!
yay sheep!!!
and now for #2…
2. Brazos Wood Academy, our homeschool, is having a FUNDRAISER!!! yipeeee!!
You know how everybody’s child brings a catalog filled with wrapping paper and/or the world’s best chocolate?
Well, we’re doing it a little different here…I’ve got a special category in the shop filled with goodies. All of the proceeds (minus the shipping) go toward our cost of our books. This is our first year to have a fundraiser, and I’m excited about it!
The fun part about it is that you don’t have to have wrapping paper that you don’t use! Or chocolate that makes you fat!! We’ve got fun stocking stuffers that you can pick up early!
for example…
I have 8 up in the store right here!! Grab these quickly…I’m making more!!
I also have lovely little mug rugs…again, perfect for a little hostess gift or just for yourself! I use them all over my craft studio. I feel great about drinking my pom juice in a glass that is sweating onto my little mug rug! They work perfectly and keep my sewing machine from getting cup sweat on it!! 🙂
Here is my fave mug rug…my collection of 4 of them…
I used Tula Pink’s Prince Charming! I adore this fabric…and how fun is using scraps like this???
way fun!!
I also have several table runners, too!
This was such a fun way to use scraps!
To see all of the items in the Back to School Fundraiser, check them out here!!!!
To really understand about Brazos Wood Academy and our family homeschooling philosophy, check out my homeschooling page here!
(last year’s atom creation!! by Lillian!)
Thank you so much for supporting our little school, Brazos Wood Academy!!
Stay tuned for other fun news!!! And tomorrow night, I’ll finally be sending out that newsletter with a FREE shipping coupon! so sign up now!!
Happy Labor Day Holiday!!!
Hooray on the coffee cozies! They look great.
I just love your new blog button! It’s adorable!!! I think the fundraiser is great!! What a wonderful idea =D The Wrenly cozy is my favorite =D
Love, love all the fun projects you have done up!!! Cool, very cool!!!