So, life is moving at a rapid pace…
and one of the things I’m loving this summer is having a little bit of time for some “navel gazing”!! I love to have some time to just really think about things…
it’s called “mindful living”…
this is totally awesome to do while quilting. You can sit there and think and think and think while putting blocks together.
Speaking of putting quilt blocks together, let me show some stuff off…(we all need some eye candy while we ponder, right??)
sneaky peek of a quilt top…
some future camera strap covers…pretty, huh?
this fabric (Amy Butler’s Soul Blossom) was a purchase from my LQS (local quilt shop) I made to kind of reward myself for getting through my root canal…shopping therapy…
Sometimes I find that I do have a shopping issue…just something I’ve been noticing lately! {navel gazing!} (I’m not even going to comment on the outlet malls at which Mr Gorgeous and I spent last Saturday!!)
yup…this is my fabric glut from my favorite online shop, The Intrepid Thread…yep, that’s Aneela Hoey’s Sherbet Pips, Tula Pink’s Prince Charming, Lila Tueller’s Lola’s Posies, and some very cool patterns that Julie sent me!!!
another sneaky peak of a mini quilt I’m whipping up!! (man, embroidery seems to take me forever lately! what’s up with that????)
i love this picture!!! what should I do with these??? any suggestions??
So another idea I’ve been toying with is really analyzing myself and how to prioritize my time. This past weekend, Mr Gorgeous and I spent the weekend out of town together. It was a wonderful get away (with lots of shopping, so I was happy!! LOL!!). We had a moment where we wrote songs together….this was what we were made for! This is my priority! My God, my husband, my family…music comes at the top of that list (yep, get ready for more videos…)
…and creating quilts is up there, too. Taking this summer to really pump my shop full of cool new products and finding that rhythm of creating (both music and quilts) is my goal! {still navel gazing-bear with me!}
so check out these before and afters…
and AFTER:
This is Amy Ellis‘ Basic Ease pattern from her Modern Basics book (LOVE!!!)…
I cut down the pattern down a little in size and I used 6 different fabrics instead of 3, so that I could use my stash!! 🙂 yay for stash using! and i love the different patterns in this design! so yummmmy!!
okay…here’s another…
Tula Pink’s Prince Charming
These are blocks for another one of Amy Ellis’ quilts from Modern Basics called Posie Patch! Next week, I will put these blocks together! How fun is that???
Wanna join me in that?? Come on over to the Quilting Book Club to make this quilt with me!!
and here is a really fun one:
and AFTER:
This pattern is from Cute Quilts…so fun!!! You can get one of these patterns at!! And after I actually quilt it and bind it, I’ll talk more about it with links and stuff!! teeeheee!!
wanna see my quilts tops that are waiting for me to quilt them?
there are 10 of these suckers!! Luckily, I have deadlines on them, and I’m on track!! 🙂
I have more surprises to share with you, but I need to actually get some sleep!! Burning the candle at both ends doesn’t really work in my current paradigm!! LOL!! (guess I’m sleeping in tomorrow…LOL!!!!)
do you have a stash of something to share? ideas? quilt tops? sheep?
Those quilt tops all look so pretty!!! I love Julie’s shop! It’s my favorite too =D I could share my new fabric stash, but I’m feeling a little guilty about how big it’s gotten and I just started sewing lol!!
10 quilt tops! Amazing.
Man, you really are in a creative frenzy! Look at all that fabric! And look at all those quilts! AMAZING!
Beautiful post. Your work is inventive and valuable. Thank you for this fascinating post! Attractive section of content. Thanks for sharing with us.