yup…i did it! I went to quilt market and had a complete BLAST!! Here are some chronological highlights! (Because we all need to be inspired visually!!)
Texans are always amazed by mountains! and Salt Lake City is surrounded…gorgeous!!!!
First night…at Pat’s BBQ…Amanda, Julie, and moi!
Here’s Amanda with our waitress…she was a hoot!!! yep…they both were!!
Thursday morning:
helping with booth set up…can’t you tell???
right before Amanda taught at Schoolhouse. Schoolhouse is where the designers get a chance to teach about how to use their products!! 🙂
at schoolhouse with Gina from the Threaded Pear Studio!
Here she is showing off her cool shower cap…this is a must make for me!! 🙂
yup…self-pimping…this is my quilt that was made from a tutorial that will soon be on Amanda’s blog in the near future!! (you’ll see more of this in my upcoming posts on market!!)
After Schoolhouse…time to put away all of the goodies!! yipeee!!
She did a fabulous job!! 🙂 yay, Amanda!
After lunch, Amanda had a photo shoot in her home and then we popped by her home to check out the scene!!! 🙂
Here we are in Amanda’s craft studio holding up the strike-offs of her newest line, Delighted, which comes out in September. me, Amanda, Julie, Candice and Robbie (Candice’s mom!).
Thursday night? Sample Spree time!! wow!! it’s crazy!! We sat in line for three hours so we could get a good spot at the front of the line.
lots of people everywhere, huh?
the line went a LOT further than this…this is one thing you have to experience when going to Sample Spree…the line!! 🙂
While waiting, I met my Twitter friend, Thomas Knauer who is a new fabric designer for Andover Fabrics!!
Can’t wait to get my hands on his new line, Pear Tree…I have some mini art quilt designs up my sleeve for that one…may have a shout out to portlandia…just maybe!! 🙂
That’s Wednesday and Thursday…stay tuned for a GOB of pics of Amanda’s booth and more cool people tomorrow!! (My jet lag just kicked in!! yikes!!)
Happy quilting!!
yeah! I’m so excited for you!
love it Sally
More, please! I am loving living vicariously through you.
Ahhh, looks like you’d had a FAB time Sally!
Just looks like so much fun! I am so happy you all had such a great time! And only a little jealous. Okay…a LOT jealous.
More pics, less sleep, think of your A team peeps!!!