Ohhhhhh it’s one of my absolute fave times of year!!! Easter-time!


This morning my darling Lillian told me that Easter was her fave holiday. I asked her why…she said, “Because Jesus died for our sins and then he ROSE again!!” She’s just 9, but I think she’s got it! Easter is even better than Christmas because of Christmas wouldn’t even be celebrated without Easter. His sacrifice on the cross and the empty tomb three days later is what it’s all about. And to be able to approach Him and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when I approach Him, he only sees me sinless, holy, righteous (lots of “Religious” words, but it’s what it’s about!)…and He loves me. He blesses me!! And He accepts me into his fold (yep, you guessed it…sheep reference!!).

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All that to say, Happy Easter!!


I tend to work in my craft room sporadically right now. It’s a good thing, though. Keeps things fresh and keeps me persistent, finishing projects all over the place. That’s hasn’t really been in my nature, but change is good, right?? So here are some works in progress (or WIP)…


This was my mom’s Christmas present (in 2009!! LOL!!) – a trip to the quilt store for a quilt kit for me to make for her bed…I gave her one block this past Christmas, and since her birthday is coming up (the day before Mother’s Day!! eek!), I thought I’d put this bad boy to bed (Literally!!! LOL!!). 

So mom, don’t look too closely!! LOL!! the top is completely done! and I LOVE it! Next week, sandwiching and quilting and binding. So fun!!


remember this pic of Emma?


Well, I finally did the applique cheeries and a little embroidery to make it a picnic blanket! yipeee!! top #2 all done!!!

 (sorry…this was folded up out of the way while I moved furniture in my room, and I grabbed it today quickly to take a pic!)


and today’s sneaky peeky…

I’m doing something really fun to submit to some tutorial blogs and mags…


Love love love Kate Spain’s Central Park fabric by Moda!! yipeee!!


I also got my plane ticket, hotel room and some other things taken care of for my trip to Salt Lake City in mid-May for Spring Quilt Market! I’m sooooo excited!! Can’t wait to spend some time with my Creative Teamates and Fearless Leader, Amanda!! Soooo fun!! Stay tuned for lots of pics and sewing prep for that, too!!


As a last fun little ditty, here are two digital scrapbooking LOs for your viewing pleasure! 

This week, Maya is in the Spotlight over at Oscraps! Check out her freebie….soooo fun!!

Here’s my LO for the spotlight…


and here’s a LO that I did with the Charity kit, Garden City. The proceeds for this kit go to the New Zealand REd Cross for Earthquake Victims! Grab it today! 


Here is my quilt that coordinates with that kit…

It’s for sale in my Etsy store HERE! and all of the proceeds from the sale of this quilt (minus the shipping) go to the same cause!!


There is so much more I want to say, but alas, I must keep my secrets to myself!! teeheeee!! be sure and sign up for the newsletter and FOLLOW me!! (all on the right sidebar!) Exciting plans are in the works!! yipeeeeee!!

and God loves you… so much!!!

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