Ohhhh even in the struggles, life is good!! I heard a preacher say today that sometimes we can’t find God unless we are going through the Mire! I’ve been trying to really meditate on this and figure it out, because I don’t want to be in mire! (I know I will be, but I don’t wanna be!!! LOL!!), But I wanna be close to God. As our pastor said last week in his sermon, I want to brush up against the hem of the garment of Jesus and feel that abundant healing power!! 

I had a whole post about taking that first step and doing anything you set your mind to…and I lost it because of a bad link that started to infect my laptop. (I shut it down  before my laptop could be infected, thus losing the post!! ugh!!) But I still move on…

The long and the short of it (more short…it’s late!!) is that I finished two awesome projects today…and I’m going to post a couple pics of my latest mini “Easter” quilt…

There are stories to all of these pics, but you may just have to SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW me *see sidebar* to hear them!! LOL!!!










I’ll be back sooner than later to show off some other new products and hopefully a slew of fun eye candy!! 

Take that first step…you can do anything you set your heart to do!! ♥


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