Ohhhhh you know I’m loving life right now. I just want to spread love and cheer all over (yep, throughout the year…thanks, Buddy!!)! No, there is no big crazy news, no lottery win, just little things here and there…little words of encouragement, little blessings that fall all around me! I love just to walk into a room and see something that I didn’t notice before, something someone has done without being asked, something that I didn’t realize we still had, or something (like a sheep!! LOL!) that had been in the same place for a while, and i just remembered how adorable it is!! A blog comment, a comment (or a wink!) from mr gorgeous, a tweet from a fun “imaginary” friend (we call our internet friends Imaginary!! LOL! I don’t love you any less than my IRL friends, I promise! LOL!)…all of these things start to add up and can turn my bad moods or my cranky mom-ness into a happy thankful mom who grabs her whole fam and runs to the zoo for the evening…
It may be sappy, but I just want to let you know that you, too, are filled with blessings! Look around you! Find what it is that brings that inadvertant smile…
These are the wild roses I see outside of my kitchen window! They are soooo gorgeous, and they make me smile everytime I see a flash of pink!
Be inspired by what’s around you! God is such an incredible artist, and he has created with such a vibrant palette…enjoy every color you see!!
I’m starting to get all of my mini quilts into the Etsy store. There are some new ones you haven’t seen before so be sure to continually check them out! yipeeee!! And next Friday, I’ll have a special product surprise for you, so make sure you are following the blog and/or signed up for the newsletter!!
Speaking of quilts, here are some awesome fun pics of my newest largest quilt that will be for sale by Monday!! So fun!! This was made from Sweet Divinity (i know you recognized it since I’m still addicted to it!! LOL!!) by Amanda Herring from the Quilted Fish!
Here are a couple of WIP (work in progress) shots:
…and the finished project:
This has been washed and is my first official rag-flower quilt! (that just means there are flowers with frayed edges…love it!) and it measures 39.5in x 50in. The biggest quilt that I’ve quilted myself all over! I am so proud and can’t wait to do the next bigger one!! LOL!!! (yep, Mom, that’s yours!! yipeee!!)
I have a bunch more to share, but for now, I need to get some shuteye before tomorrow’s zoo birthday party…and that’s after spending 2 hours at the zoo with my sweet fam tonight…Here are some pics from there…
enjoy…and don’t forget to SEE and FEEL your blessings!!
my three little girlies…love them!!
ewwwwwwww, snakes!! nasty!! the kids are pretty cool, tho!!
I love this shot of my lovlies all walking to the next exhibit!
{at the end…it was dark…and this is our traditional pic place…I have to scan old pics of the kids all little to compare…ohhhhhhh, they are growing too fast!!}
I love this post- thanks so much for the reminder, as blessings are all around! 🙂 I also LOVE the pendant flags on the quilt…so cute!!! Enjoy the zoo’s bday party tomorrow! 🙂
What a sweet little quilt! And you are so right — blessings all around us!
I LOVE your quilt!! You must be reading my mind – I had some of the same ideas!! You did a fabulous job! Happy Weekend!
For cute! Love the quilt. Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses!
Sally, that is such a cute quilt and a wonderful post!
Thank you for the reminder to be grateful for everything that is around us, it is so true!
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
love this blog. what a beautiful job you did on your quilt! awesome! amazing. almost need to do one myself except i don’t know how! some day, i’ll have time to just come and sit with you in your craft room and learn with you….great blog. love you, tiff