If you know me at all, you know my affinity for the dirtiest, smelliest (well, maybe not the smelliest!!), stupidest animals ever…Sheep!!


It all started with these three sheep here…(below)

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I got them from this little catalog called Gooseberry Patch. Something about these little faces just cried “Take me home and love me!” When I got them, I started to notice every sheep around! And then I had this amazing experience with Psalm 23. The Lord is My Shepherd…and I really started to understand what it meant to be a shepherd…and to be a sheep! 


There is a verse that is even more precious to me in regards to sheep…

“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him [the Shepherd], and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” Jn 10:3-4


I do follow Him…because he is my Shepherd! I know His voice and He knows me, through and through. What a comforting thought. I don’t have to worry about anything!! He’s got me all taken care of…

Don’t get me wrong…I still worry about things, but the overall picture for me is pretty amazing! I have days of struggle (when my evil twin shows up and starts yelling at my children… LOL!!!), and days of confused wonder, days where I just want to crawl back in bed…but lately when those days show up, I hear that small, still voice speaking to me! It could be through music; it could be through reading of the Word; through a sermon I am streaming; through a simple, kind blog comment! through a picture I “pin” on pinterest.com (my newest obsession!)…

I know the Shepherd’s voice…and I love Him…because He first loved me!! powerful!!

and this, my darling readers, is why I love sheep…


(I just picked these up today at a sweet antiques store…adore!!)

I hope you enjoy my tutorial that will go up on Amanda’s blog late tonight!!

It has to do with…yep, you guessed it!! …{sheep}…

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