just a quick post as I’m out of town for tonight…in a hotel room in Austin…mr gorgeous is in a hotel room in Illinois…the kids are all over the place!  (safe, of course!! LOL!)

I just wanted to show off some pics and perhaps ask a thought-provoking question…


ohhhhh i love fabrics…

I love making things out of fabrics…

practical things…

decorative things…

(had to share this one cause my points match up! AMAZING!!)

I love fabrics that can come together and inspire someone…

These little angel wings soooo inspire me…

but I have to admit, I don’t put my hope in fabrics…

or angels…

or cute/practical things…

My Hope Comes from the Lord!! 

soooo just a quick comment before I hit the hay…

To say that I put my hope in the Lord means that in those times that are worrisome or crazy, chaotic, or just plain have no sense in them, I pray. In those times when the sky is blue and the kids are doing their schoolwork and being kind to one another and mr gorgeous keeps making me meals (he’s been doing that lately…love that man!!), I pray. And when I pray, God answers…He reminds me through many different ways that he loves me and cares for me and is ALWAYS here for me. Sometimes I may need to keep telling him my worries, but lately, I’ve found that I actually feel His presence through those hard times or the best of times more than ever. I can give you more details, but for tonight, let me just leave you with this one question…

“What do you put your hope in today?”

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