have you heard it enough yet?

happy new year 2011~~

yep, it’s really a new year! And we all have a new year to start over fresh!! You know you are gonna hear that from me a bunch!!

So for my first day, I did a bunch of fun stuff…

1. celebrated my father-in-law’s 70th birthday!

he was the Matagorda County New Year’s Baby…so fun!!

{my fil in the middle with his sister and his cousin’s husband}

{here’s the hysterical blow-up walker that his sister gave him!}

{these are the 5 dons…my fil is the third (middle)…I created this right after my son (far right) was born…yup, mr gprgeous is number 4 *sigh*}

(btw, these pics above are all taken with my DroidX…somehow all of my technology keeps making me forget to take my DSLR to family functions!!!)

2. wrote a new song

Join us at Brighton Church tomorrow morning at 10:30am to sing it with us!!

3. Found out some really, really exciting news

(keeping it silent for now – I know that’s unthinkable with me – but it will come out here sooner than later!! be sure to check back here daily!!)

4. I decided today to commit to do NEW52 as best I can!!  

{image by Peppermint for One Little Bird Designs}

What that means is that I plan on doing something new every week. I actually hope to post a new project on my blog at least once a week!! So I was totally excited to find on Peppermint’s and Christine’s blogs this community of people who are all doing this!! ohhh I’m loving me a community, for sure!!! 🙂

I don’t really know if my new song counts yet or not!! teeheee…we’ll see…

What are you doing new this year???

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