have you heard it enough yet?
yep, it’s really a new year! And we all have a new year to start over fresh!! You know you are gonna hear that from me a bunch!!
So for my first day, I did a bunch of fun stuff…
1. celebrated my father-in-law’s 70th birthday!
he was the Matagorda County New Year’s Baby…so fun!!
{my fil in the middle with his sister and his cousin’s husband}
{here’s the hysterical blow-up walker that his sister gave him!}
{these are the 5 dons…my fil is the third (middle)…I created this right after my son (far right) was born…yup, mr gprgeous is number 4 *sigh*}
(btw, these pics above are all taken with my DroidX…somehow all of my technology keeps making me forget to take my DSLR to family functions!!!)
2. wrote a new song
Join us at Brighton Church tomorrow morning at 10:30am to sing it with us!!
3. Found out some really, really exciting news
(keeping it silent for now – I know that’s unthinkable with me – but it will come out here sooner than later!! be sure to check back here daily!!)
4. I decided today to commit to do NEW52 as best I can!!
{image by Peppermint for One Little Bird Designs}
What that means is that I plan on doing something new every week. I actually hope to post a new project on my blog at least once a week!! So I was totally excited to find on Peppermint’s and Christine’s blogs this community of people who are all doing this!! ohhh I’m loving me a community, for sure!!! 🙂
I don’t really know if my new song counts yet or not!! teeheee…we’ll see…
What are you doing new this year???
Sally my dearest darling girl, I’m soooooo happy you’re jumping in with NEW52! I can’t tell you how excited I am about the prospect of trying (at least) 52 new things this year … woo-hoo!!! Hugs, sue.falstaff
Sally and Sue! I am joining in with this too! I am going to work on finding something new each week that will bring me more Joy!
I wish you the Best this New Year Sally